Dear Clothing Industry,
It has come to my attention that you actually have very little insight into the adult women and her clothing needs. Allow me to elborate:
First of all summer is here and its that time when we get to shed our winter skin of sweaters and coats in exchange for shorts t-shirts and tank tops. The season is great however not so great is what I like to call the crotch shorts. Now if your not sure what I mean by crotch shorts allow me to eleborate, crotch shorts are those that are so short and tiny they ride the crease of your thigh and are pretty much wedged up your bum. Another aluring feature of the CS is its shortness allows you to see all the bumps and lumps of leg cellute. The only people who should wear crotch shorts are those who are perhaps age 1-3 where its cute or those who have missed placed their underware and are wearing these under their clothes.
Take this short extreme to the other end and we have this seasons ever popular bermuda short. The bermuda short is that which comes to the middle of your leg. Its supposed claim to fame is that its a trendy way to make your legs look lean and long... however a not so attractive side effect is that while your legs look long your ass and hips look huge. I dont know if this short came from bermuda but I feel badly if this ugly piece of clothing was unfairly named after Im sure what is a lovely place.
Now we have the capris pant which by name is not a short. There are many different styles, some of which are not bad, however these again are pant like and not shorts only exposing ones ankle. How can you be cool and comfortable with a capris that is basically a pant that teases your ankles into believing they are free from pants?
So you may ask what then is the perfect short. Now clothing industry listen very carefully I will type it slowly: it is when the short sits comfortably between mid thigh and your knee. It is loose and offered in things like denium, kahaki, and various other styles. Is this so hard? Do we have to be dominated by bad style choices?
Lastly I would like to address the size issue Im not sure if your are aware that the average womens size ranges from 14-16, but when you go to the store there might be 1 or 2 of these and a far greater portion of really tiny sizes. 16 that is a far far stretch from size 0 or 1. I dont know how you can be a size 0 its basically saying your nothing there is no number attached to your size, therefore you must be invisible to the general population. Also xxs- it was bad enough when there was a xs now its xxs . Industry there is only 1 category of people that fits into this , we call them infants. So before I get off my soap box I will say this: we need to stop following the magizines and televisions that tell us we are not worthy of nice clothes if we dont wear a xxs or a size 0. I spend a great deal of my time feeling bad because I dont fit in the mold that the clothing industry says I should. However I like to be fashionable and pretty so to theose who make the clothes I suggest you take a good look at your demographics and stop mass producing clothes geared to the bodies and styles of 12 year old girls.
Im now going to go back to my pajamas shorts as they are the only decent things I have at this point in the heat. Thankyou for listening.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
My Beautiful Gardens!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Happy Birthday Melissa! 28 Years Youngish?
Well the years march on for Missy today! Pop the fine wine, get out the balloons and lets have a look back at this now 28 year old:
Missy in 1994: Young and full of life
Missy 1996: The hair is longer but the youth remains intact.
Missy: Bride to the left with eyes closed. The years continue to be good to you!! Even when drunk you can pull off classy!
Alas the clock is ticking, thanks to technology we have been able to accruately predict how Missy will look in another 30+ years. Wow!
To cheese, wine and Missy - all things that get better with age! (see ya on the 30 side, I know you will be joining me soon!) Cheers tonight!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Im Lost about Lost
I am gonna keep this short but I want to ask one question: Is anyone else completely confused about Lost? I have a major addiction to this show its up there with Survivor. At first all the twists turns and unresolved mysteries were fun and interesting.. Now they are annoying! I am so confused that I dont even know what my name is when I watch an episode!
I wish I knew what the writers were thinking, infact I can tell you what they are thinking- here is how a typical day between two writers for lost goes:
George: Hey Earl
Earl: Yeah George
George: what should we write for Lost this week?
Earl: I dont know George (scratching head)
George: I know lets make an episode about an elobrate interconnecting plot in which all the characters are involved in multiple unexplained situations. That way when people watch they will get so wrapped up with each mystery they will forget what the original plot and mystery were about.
Earl: ha ha hey now thats a great idea! We can keep ratings up and keep audiences confused for at least a couple more seasons before they see that we dont actually have any kind of plan for the show! Infact I think that at the end of this season we should have a couple of guys in a bunker in a snowy climate freak out about something.
George: why would we do that?
Earl: I dont know sounds fun, lets go get a beer
George: Earl your a genius!
Earl: Thanks George
So that my friends in the thought process that I believe goes into Lost. Will I stop watching with this theory in mind you ask? Nope damn them Im hooked! Its like a bad accident you dont want to watch but you have to! I hope next fall has even more complicated messed up mysteries to fool with my head! I can only dream.
If your a Lost fan feel free to post your thoughts/theories about the show!
I wish I knew what the writers were thinking, infact I can tell you what they are thinking- here is how a typical day between two writers for lost goes:
George: Hey Earl
Earl: Yeah George
George: what should we write for Lost this week?
Earl: I dont know George (scratching head)
George: I know lets make an episode about an elobrate interconnecting plot in which all the characters are involved in multiple unexplained situations. That way when people watch they will get so wrapped up with each mystery they will forget what the original plot and mystery were about.
Earl: ha ha hey now thats a great idea! We can keep ratings up and keep audiences confused for at least a couple more seasons before they see that we dont actually have any kind of plan for the show! Infact I think that at the end of this season we should have a couple of guys in a bunker in a snowy climate freak out about something.
George: why would we do that?
Earl: I dont know sounds fun, lets go get a beer
George: Earl your a genius!
Earl: Thanks George
So that my friends in the thought process that I believe goes into Lost. Will I stop watching with this theory in mind you ask? Nope damn them Im hooked! Its like a bad accident you dont want to watch but you have to! I hope next fall has even more complicated messed up mysteries to fool with my head! I can only dream.
If your a Lost fan feel free to post your thoughts/theories about the show!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Nostalgic Moment.. its a long one!
Im feeling Nostalgic... I know what your thinking oh brother here she goes again.. I have to admitt that what triggered this trip down memory lane is watching the series finale's of That 70's show and Will and Grace. Corney eh? I guess the topic of the shows kinda got me thinking, about life. I mean on both shows friends and family reached cross roads in life and took the necessary steps to move forward. I guess this is a truth that goes beyond the tv to real life. We all make a journey around this world. I have been watching all these real life stories unfold.
I think about where I have been and how I have got to this point in my life, all the things that shape me and my world view. I have been blessed with many gifts in this life in the form of friendships. I think its one of lifes great honours to see the people you love evolve , grow and realize their potential. I have friends so dear that are both here in my life and those that are across miles. The stories of each of their lives has helped me to develop all the parts of myself.
I think back to a small town where I met this crazy red head (and you know who you are hee hee) We used to be 14 year old kids stalking boys at the local motel.. we would dream about the days ahead and not look at us all grown up your on your way to Africa to change the world in your own way, and Im trying to understand my world here in Bowmanville. I hope you know that I love ya whereever you go in this world!
I think back to yet another small town where I met a girl who could sing, and had the cutest blond boyfriend I used to be so jealous of your talents. Now your still the best singer I know and to think that you have done the most amazing thing.. you have raised two beautiful sons and are making all those you know so proud of all the things you have accomplished and overcome. I remember all the little things, the dairy queen sundaes, the failed baking attempts, the kareoke- who could forget the kareoke! Whenever I hear that song " I Hope you Dance" I think about the last time we sat in my house with both my parents alive and waiting to watch us move on with life. I think they would be proud!
I even think about people who were there for a season, I think of my college buddy the girl who taught me to be a little "bad". We may have only lasted for a few seasons but it has its purpose, you taught me how to be my own women and F*&$% em it they didnt like me. Those days were fun, much tequiella, much dancing, much fear to face the medical world. Now I've heard that your off in your own world doing well, I would like to think that perhaps I gave you a little softness to see the lighter side. I owe you the thanks of balance you showed me how to be both my best self and laugh at the human side. Thanks!
Then there is that girl with the little white car, the girl who knew all the words to grease, the girl who predicted from the first day that Barry would be my husband.. I should have just listened to you and saved myself much heartache of the endless search for "the one" that was right there all along. Our mutual love of country music, our talks about life, and everything in between- Im sure you remember the Sudbury trip? LOL I learned alot from you! It has been a pleasure to watch you grow, you had your heart broken and it was hard to watch that pain in your life. Now its so amazing to know you as an adult to watch you take some new exciting steps I am honoured to still be such a big part of it all. I look at you now and see an adult! Its scarey but I guess we both are.. but we still know how to have fun- lets not forget that.
I know that this is long but I just have to keep going cant leave out the players in the story of my life. The theres the girl with the big glasses, the one that I was "warned" would not be a good person to hang out with lol. One of the few people who has had the joy of being my roomie. Those where speical days I will always treasure that fun time. Im sure I could list 100 things we have gotten ourselves into. I will always remember the blue lagoons, the talk girl and Myles. You have taught me to slow down I get so ahead of myself and want to jump into things and you showed me how to think it through. I have had the joy to watch your story unfold from teenage girl to cool college chick to gardening wife and "doggie mummy". The story gets better with time.
Who could leave out the only girl who thrives on the grossest of my medical melodrama! The only person who wanted me to keep a crappy homecare job so that I could tell you my drama. I will however never forget you letting me cry the blues from under the covers in your bedroom over my job woes, I can think of one stormy night you got the call in Kingston- and I have to say that our talk that day is perhaps the reason I made it to being a nurse you got me through my wits end. I have seen you go from library book "collector" to classy professional women. However I think that you and I can still sit back with a bottle of jacob and regress to perhaps a slopper self, once in a while. Your loyalty over the years is rare and special to keep close by. Just remember I am a very good "buddy" canadate!
The theres that farm girl, she can out run me for sure, and Im sure that she could get up earlier then I can ever hope to. All the laughs and fun adds a speical dimension to each and every memory. I recall a young girl who would throw on garbage man overalls to go dumpster diving, or have a crazy "farmers" party. I can hardly believe that life is so different- your gonna be a mom! Its super exciting and Im so happy for you! I cant wait to meet that special little someone thats gonna be a a little piece of your fun personality.
Oh gosh I have to say that life would be no fun at all without that dark haired girl on 2 center who kept me sane in my final days! You came through for me on my big day and were an amazing support, I think from you I have learned how to be more assertive, how to stand up for myself as a professional and as a person. You are my never ending source of entertainment and good times! Who can forget the bathroom stall and the drunken labour nurse pledge! Or the near miss deliveries where the two junior nurses were the only delivery people in site!
Then theres that crazy nurse who helped me pick the lice, yes the lice! I dont think that there will ever be another person who knows more about that time in our lives then us. We shared a time of real growth, we went from students to professionals during those summers. Who could forget the bagel binges, the "its your turn to get the door", Moggy's got an emergency call 911! Your this prostar nurse now with all this amazing drive and these goals. You have helped people all over the world and for that I admire you. When we get together Im still the "pink daisy" and your still the melon ball! that will never change even if we are 90!
The of course I know that if hes reading this hes like hey! What about me? Well of course I have not forgotten about that skinny boy. The guy who gave me grief in english class and got me kicked to the front. The guy who has taught me an appreciation for all things star trek not "track" by the way for all you non trekies! There are just 1000s of things that you have brought to my life. So many memories how do you pick just one. The days at your house in the elephant spray pool, the saturday night scanner sessions. The big prank that scared you! Then of course theres your first horse back ride, your first snorkling experience. I recall with laughter the night we brought you home after your 19th, and dumped you on your bathroom floor.. I guess since then I have returned the favour the odd time! You have given me the most love and joy. Its gone from a story about you to the story of "us". From a first kiss to a ring to a marriage. The story just grows and gets better everyday. I cant wait to the day that we have our own little people to tell our stories to. We are so lucky to be surrounded by all these people who are the characters that add to the story of our lives. I have to thank Mrs kirbys history class for being the outlet that cemented our friendship, if it were not for a whole semester of boring modern western I dont think that alot of important foundation would have been made. So when our kids say they dont see what the point of taking this class or that class is we can smile and give them a good reason to stick with it! I love ya baby you make my world worth the journey!
Oh gosh please dont be mad theres so many people who deserve to be part of this post, but I feel like Im at the Oscurs and theres a guy with a big cane trying to pull me off the stage. Anyway to everyone who has or does create the story of my life I say thankyou for sharing your life with me and for being part of this story. I cant believe that so many steps have been taken to get to this point, there are changes in the next few years for all of us.. Im sure around every corner but lets never forget where we came from, it was far to fun to lose it!. Good night everyone my fingers are super tired!
I think about where I have been and how I have got to this point in my life, all the things that shape me and my world view. I have been blessed with many gifts in this life in the form of friendships. I think its one of lifes great honours to see the people you love evolve , grow and realize their potential. I have friends so dear that are both here in my life and those that are across miles. The stories of each of their lives has helped me to develop all the parts of myself.
I think back to a small town where I met this crazy red head (and you know who you are hee hee) We used to be 14 year old kids stalking boys at the local motel.. we would dream about the days ahead and not look at us all grown up your on your way to Africa to change the world in your own way, and Im trying to understand my world here in Bowmanville. I hope you know that I love ya whereever you go in this world!
I think back to yet another small town where I met a girl who could sing, and had the cutest blond boyfriend I used to be so jealous of your talents. Now your still the best singer I know and to think that you have done the most amazing thing.. you have raised two beautiful sons and are making all those you know so proud of all the things you have accomplished and overcome. I remember all the little things, the dairy queen sundaes, the failed baking attempts, the kareoke- who could forget the kareoke! Whenever I hear that song " I Hope you Dance" I think about the last time we sat in my house with both my parents alive and waiting to watch us move on with life. I think they would be proud!
I even think about people who were there for a season, I think of my college buddy the girl who taught me to be a little "bad". We may have only lasted for a few seasons but it has its purpose, you taught me how to be my own women and F*&$% em it they didnt like me. Those days were fun, much tequiella, much dancing, much fear to face the medical world. Now I've heard that your off in your own world doing well, I would like to think that perhaps I gave you a little softness to see the lighter side. I owe you the thanks of balance you showed me how to be both my best self and laugh at the human side. Thanks!
Then there is that girl with the little white car, the girl who knew all the words to grease, the girl who predicted from the first day that Barry would be my husband.. I should have just listened to you and saved myself much heartache of the endless search for "the one" that was right there all along. Our mutual love of country music, our talks about life, and everything in between- Im sure you remember the Sudbury trip? LOL I learned alot from you! It has been a pleasure to watch you grow, you had your heart broken and it was hard to watch that pain in your life. Now its so amazing to know you as an adult to watch you take some new exciting steps I am honoured to still be such a big part of it all. I look at you now and see an adult! Its scarey but I guess we both are.. but we still know how to have fun- lets not forget that.
I know that this is long but I just have to keep going cant leave out the players in the story of my life. The theres the girl with the big glasses, the one that I was "warned" would not be a good person to hang out with lol. One of the few people who has had the joy of being my roomie. Those where speical days I will always treasure that fun time. Im sure I could list 100 things we have gotten ourselves into. I will always remember the blue lagoons, the talk girl and Myles. You have taught me to slow down I get so ahead of myself and want to jump into things and you showed me how to think it through. I have had the joy to watch your story unfold from teenage girl to cool college chick to gardening wife and "doggie mummy". The story gets better with time.
Who could leave out the only girl who thrives on the grossest of my medical melodrama! The only person who wanted me to keep a crappy homecare job so that I could tell you my drama. I will however never forget you letting me cry the blues from under the covers in your bedroom over my job woes, I can think of one stormy night you got the call in Kingston- and I have to say that our talk that day is perhaps the reason I made it to being a nurse you got me through my wits end. I have seen you go from library book "collector" to classy professional women. However I think that you and I can still sit back with a bottle of jacob and regress to perhaps a slopper self, once in a while. Your loyalty over the years is rare and special to keep close by. Just remember I am a very good "buddy" canadate!
The theres that farm girl, she can out run me for sure, and Im sure that she could get up earlier then I can ever hope to. All the laughs and fun adds a speical dimension to each and every memory. I recall a young girl who would throw on garbage man overalls to go dumpster diving, or have a crazy "farmers" party. I can hardly believe that life is so different- your gonna be a mom! Its super exciting and Im so happy for you! I cant wait to meet that special little someone thats gonna be a a little piece of your fun personality.
Oh gosh I have to say that life would be no fun at all without that dark haired girl on 2 center who kept me sane in my final days! You came through for me on my big day and were an amazing support, I think from you I have learned how to be more assertive, how to stand up for myself as a professional and as a person. You are my never ending source of entertainment and good times! Who can forget the bathroom stall and the drunken labour nurse pledge! Or the near miss deliveries where the two junior nurses were the only delivery people in site!
Then theres that crazy nurse who helped me pick the lice, yes the lice! I dont think that there will ever be another person who knows more about that time in our lives then us. We shared a time of real growth, we went from students to professionals during those summers. Who could forget the bagel binges, the "its your turn to get the door", Moggy's got an emergency call 911! Your this prostar nurse now with all this amazing drive and these goals. You have helped people all over the world and for that I admire you. When we get together Im still the "pink daisy" and your still the melon ball! that will never change even if we are 90!
The of course I know that if hes reading this hes like hey! What about me? Well of course I have not forgotten about that skinny boy. The guy who gave me grief in english class and got me kicked to the front. The guy who has taught me an appreciation for all things star trek not "track" by the way for all you non trekies! There are just 1000s of things that you have brought to my life. So many memories how do you pick just one. The days at your house in the elephant spray pool, the saturday night scanner sessions. The big prank that scared you! Then of course theres your first horse back ride, your first snorkling experience. I recall with laughter the night we brought you home after your 19th, and dumped you on your bathroom floor.. I guess since then I have returned the favour the odd time! You have given me the most love and joy. Its gone from a story about you to the story of "us". From a first kiss to a ring to a marriage. The story just grows and gets better everyday. I cant wait to the day that we have our own little people to tell our stories to. We are so lucky to be surrounded by all these people who are the characters that add to the story of our lives. I have to thank Mrs kirbys history class for being the outlet that cemented our friendship, if it were not for a whole semester of boring modern western I dont think that alot of important foundation would have been made. So when our kids say they dont see what the point of taking this class or that class is we can smile and give them a good reason to stick with it! I love ya baby you make my world worth the journey!
Oh gosh please dont be mad theres so many people who deserve to be part of this post, but I feel like Im at the Oscurs and theres a guy with a big cane trying to pull me off the stage. Anyway to everyone who has or does create the story of my life I say thankyou for sharing your life with me and for being part of this story. I cant believe that so many steps have been taken to get to this point, there are changes in the next few years for all of us.. Im sure around every corner but lets never forget where we came from, it was far to fun to lose it!. Good night everyone my fingers are super tired!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hippies take it all!
I give a salute to my favorite hippies- Tyler and BJ! Tonight they out witted the frat boys for the million buckaroos!! It was close there was a point where I wondered if brawn would over take brains... but in the end our tree hugging , peace out, beard growers won!
Good Luck Tyler and BJ! I hope that there is plenty of peace love and grooveness to keep ya going!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Update on LSC (life style change)
I have decided to stop calling my eatting habits a "diet" . I dont need a diet they clearly dont work, most poeple on diets fail and gain back the weight. Even myself has in the past had the mentality that I would "diet" lose the weight and then I would just go back to eating what I want. Not so joe. Im gulp.. getting on in my later 20's and my metabolism is certainly not the same! I never had a great one to start but I guarenettee that its worse now!
Anyway so its not a diet its a lifestyle change. Things this week (being the last two days lol) have gone well. I have eatten well, went to the gym and drank enough water. Now I just need to work on getting more sleep, Im bad for staying up late. I think it was probably a little bit over zealous of me to state that I would post here each day about my health journey so instead I think I will just do it at least a couple times a week.
I will share with you the reader my menu today just to keep me honest:
B: 1 egg white, 2 slices of weight watchers bread (translation mideget bread), yogutr and glass of milk
L: Veggie soup, chicken breast, grapes and yogurt
S: apple and rice crackers with cheese
D: potato, chicken ( I eat polutry alot!) mixed veg plus another bowl of veggie soup ( made it myself very low cal and well lets just say it cleans ya out!)
S: fat free pudding
So thats not bad at all comes to under 1500 cals which is a nice range to be in for weight loss.
Im gonna do this, I want to lose 15 pounds by the end of June, that will put me back in my old size thats how close I am to two summers agos clothing! just 15 pounds and Im back on track. I have to keep perspecitve and do this! So dont hesitate to give me a kick in the butt every now and then! I sometimes need it!
Anyway so its not a diet its a lifestyle change. Things this week (being the last two days lol) have gone well. I have eatten well, went to the gym and drank enough water. Now I just need to work on getting more sleep, Im bad for staying up late. I think it was probably a little bit over zealous of me to state that I would post here each day about my health journey so instead I think I will just do it at least a couple times a week.
I will share with you the reader my menu today just to keep me honest:
B: 1 egg white, 2 slices of weight watchers bread (translation mideget bread), yogutr and glass of milk
L: Veggie soup, chicken breast, grapes and yogurt
S: apple and rice crackers with cheese
D: potato, chicken ( I eat polutry alot!) mixed veg plus another bowl of veggie soup ( made it myself very low cal and well lets just say it cleans ya out!)
S: fat free pudding
So thats not bad at all comes to under 1500 cals which is a nice range to be in for weight loss.
Im gonna do this, I want to lose 15 pounds by the end of June, that will put me back in my old size thats how close I am to two summers agos clothing! just 15 pounds and Im back on track. I have to keep perspecitve and do this! So dont hesitate to give me a kick in the butt every now and then! I sometimes need it!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Grey's Sad-atomy
Let us all say a sad goodbye to Grey's Anatomy till September. I just spent the last 2 hours on the couch crying while watching the season finale.
Let us say goodbye to Deni Izzy's ailing heart transplant boyfriend, who went through a season of trauma, faced numerous surgeries, several heart failures and a near miss transplant only to recover ask Izzy to marry him and finally have hope for the future... then while happily reading a magizine throws a blood clot and dies. yup nice way to go! So Izzy is a basket case and I myself was right next to her in the basket during this whole ordeal!
Let us say goodbye to Izzy medical career for putting Denny into heart failure on purpose to get him moved up the transplant list and stealing him a heart. Poor lost Izzy I feel for the girl caught between the medical issues and her heart- I of course cried when she confessed to her deeds!
Let us also say goodby to "doc" the loyal friendly dog that beloned to Both Merdith and Derek- unfortunatly he developed cancer and had to be put to sleep. Another moment of weeping on the coach for me!
Let Us say goodbye to Burke's surgical career as a top heart surgeon- now after his gun shot wound he may never pick up the scapel again. Poor Burke, let us hope Christiana can get over her emotional insecurities and be the girlfriend she wants to be!
Finally let us say goodbye to Derek and Addisons marriage after he had sex with Merdith in an empty patient room!
I must say that the hospital I work at holds way less interesting drama! Yes it is sad I now must wait till September to see all my favorite people come back and entertain me. It is indeed a sad-atomoy day!
Let us say goodbye to Deni Izzy's ailing heart transplant boyfriend, who went through a season of trauma, faced numerous surgeries, several heart failures and a near miss transplant only to recover ask Izzy to marry him and finally have hope for the future... then while happily reading a magizine throws a blood clot and dies. yup nice way to go! So Izzy is a basket case and I myself was right next to her in the basket during this whole ordeal!
Let us say goodbye to Izzy medical career for putting Denny into heart failure on purpose to get him moved up the transplant list and stealing him a heart. Poor lost Izzy I feel for the girl caught between the medical issues and her heart- I of course cried when she confessed to her deeds!
Let us also say goodby to "doc" the loyal friendly dog that beloned to Both Merdith and Derek- unfortunatly he developed cancer and had to be put to sleep. Another moment of weeping on the coach for me!
Let Us say goodbye to Burke's surgical career as a top heart surgeon- now after his gun shot wound he may never pick up the scapel again. Poor Burke, let us hope Christiana can get over her emotional insecurities and be the girlfriend she wants to be!
Finally let us say goodbye to Derek and Addisons marriage after he had sex with Merdith in an empty patient room!
I must say that the hospital I work at holds way less interesting drama! Yes it is sad I now must wait till September to see all my favorite people come back and entertain me. It is indeed a sad-atomoy day!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The rest of yesterday
Well things went well yesterday with the diet. Then disaster struck... we went bowling last night wtih Julia and then some how ended up at dairy queen! eek! had a blizzard. So that was not exactly part of the diet but I figure not bad overall.
Anyway thats just a quick confession
Anyway thats just a quick confession
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Weight update
So sticking with my promise to share my healthy lifestyle endeavers I am gonna give you an update:
Weigh In: I knew this would be bad Im up 4 pounds from my norm
Mini Goal: lose 4 pounds by end of May
Meduim goal: 10 pounds by July long weekend ( I lose very slowly)
If we get to that I will set a new goal
Todays Menu so far:
brunch: egg white omlette with spinich and peppers
2 slices of weight watchers bread
glass of milk
Snack: banana and yogurt
Dinner : out but will make good choices
water : 4 glasses, 4 to go!
Weigh In: I knew this would be bad Im up 4 pounds from my norm
Mini Goal: lose 4 pounds by end of May
Meduim goal: 10 pounds by July long weekend ( I lose very slowly)
If we get to that I will set a new goal
Todays Menu so far:
brunch: egg white omlette with spinich and peppers
2 slices of weight watchers bread
glass of milk
Snack: banana and yogurt
Dinner : out but will make good choices
water : 4 glasses, 4 to go!
Mothers Day Tribute
Its that time of year again, for me its a bitter sweet day- Mothers Day. I have wonderful memories of my mother and how great her love for me and our family was, but this is mixed with a little piece of sad. I wish I could take her for a Mother's day tea or give her a nice bunch of lilies. I used to always get her Yardly's English Lavender perfume. She loved it.
There is alot I could say about my mom, too many memories to count.. So this mothers day I try and look at what she gave me - the gifts that I try to carry and let live on through me. I can definately say Im not perfect but I try to carry her values with me. She gave me compassion, the ability to love, the ability to laugh at myself. She taught me about God and the bible. I remeber sitting with her as a little girl and she would say prayers with me and read from the bible. When I was scared about monsters or bad dreams she would pray with me and remind me that God was gonna take care of me. She gave me a love of animals, dogs espcially- just ask Barry and he will tell you that I cant walk by a pet store without going in and talking to the puppies. She taught me how to make beef stew and dumplings- that was something she used to make for my dad and I.
It was the combination of the complex values and simple things that she used to make me the person I am. I hope that most of the time shes watching and proud of me. So today I will share one of my favorite moments: when I was in grade 1 we lived in Ajax and right near the school so she used to get me ready and kiss me goodbye I would walk up the street and she would run upstairs to the bedroom window and watch me on my way to school. She would call out Bye Cherie I love you. I would wave back and say bye mom I love you. So every now and then when I feel a warm breeze or the sun on my face i feel like shes at heavens window saying Hi Cherie I love you. I look up at the beauty of the day and I say Hi mom I love you too.
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her." -- George Washington (1732-1799)
"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there, just know that every little moment with your kids (big or small) will be forever in their memory and treasured. I hope that someday I can give the kind of love I recieved.
There is alot I could say about my mom, too many memories to count.. So this mothers day I try and look at what she gave me - the gifts that I try to carry and let live on through me. I can definately say Im not perfect but I try to carry her values with me. She gave me compassion, the ability to love, the ability to laugh at myself. She taught me about God and the bible. I remeber sitting with her as a little girl and she would say prayers with me and read from the bible. When I was scared about monsters or bad dreams she would pray with me and remind me that God was gonna take care of me. She gave me a love of animals, dogs espcially- just ask Barry and he will tell you that I cant walk by a pet store without going in and talking to the puppies. She taught me how to make beef stew and dumplings- that was something she used to make for my dad and I.
It was the combination of the complex values and simple things that she used to make me the person I am. I hope that most of the time shes watching and proud of me. So today I will share one of my favorite moments: when I was in grade 1 we lived in Ajax and right near the school so she used to get me ready and kiss me goodbye I would walk up the street and she would run upstairs to the bedroom window and watch me on my way to school. She would call out Bye Cherie I love you. I would wave back and say bye mom I love you. So every now and then when I feel a warm breeze or the sun on my face i feel like shes at heavens window saying Hi Cherie I love you. I look up at the beauty of the day and I say Hi mom I love you too.
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her." -- George Washington (1732-1799)
"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there, just know that every little moment with your kids (big or small) will be forever in their memory and treasured. I hope that someday I can give the kind of love I recieved.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Help Ive fallen so far off the wagon
I have fallen off the wagon. The diet wagon that is. Most of you know that I have been doing weight watchers for about 3ish years. I have had some sucess losing 70 lbs. I have in the last 2 years managed to keep 50 of it off, but I have not had any luck losing the 20 I had regained and then some. I have no idea where I have gone wrong. It used to be so easy but it would seem that not only is it getting harder to lose its getting harder to keep it off.
So I have been off the wagon for about 2 weeks, I have not gone to the gym I have eatten crap food if its bad fo ryou I have eatten it. Anyway I have reached a point where I feel like a slug, I feel fat, and my pants are starting to feel snug. All of these things point to Cherie needs to get back on the wagon. I dont know why its so hard, I find Im good all day , then I snack at night. I go to the gym cause i feel I "have to" not because I enjoy it, therefore it creates a feeling of gym resentment. I find in order to lose weight I have to have a strict diet and exercise at least 5 days a week. So its a cycle I do this well for a while lose a few, then I get fed up and tried of this regiment and I fall off the wagon. There for I usually manage to stay in the same range. However this time I find that I am having trouble getting the motivation to get back on track. So I thought I would try a new idea, I am gonna use my blog as a journel to keep me honest about what Im eatting and doing. So I am gonna try and come on here and bare my diet soul to the world in order to keep honest. I lose weight best when I eat whole foods, low glycemic carbs, and limit my sugars. Plus exercise. Sounds like a party eh? Anyway heres my pledge for this week:
I will drink 8 glasses of water a day
I will exercise at least 4 days this week
I will eat healthy foods
I will limit snacking
I will only eat when Im hungery
Im gonna give this a try. Now Im not so bold as to post my weights on here eek! Too scarey! So instead I will weigh in tomorrow and I will post how much Im up from my norm, then I will post the changes every saturday.
Alright Im gonna get back on the wagon.. its hard work but its worth it! So now that Im done complaining I will think about the nice bike ride Im gonna go on tomorrow. Stay tuned for my weigh in, its not gonna be pretty I can almost tell you how much i weigh at any given day. If only chocolate was calorie free!!! Good luck to me!
So I have been off the wagon for about 2 weeks, I have not gone to the gym I have eatten crap food if its bad fo ryou I have eatten it. Anyway I have reached a point where I feel like a slug, I feel fat, and my pants are starting to feel snug. All of these things point to Cherie needs to get back on the wagon. I dont know why its so hard, I find Im good all day , then I snack at night. I go to the gym cause i feel I "have to" not because I enjoy it, therefore it creates a feeling of gym resentment. I find in order to lose weight I have to have a strict diet and exercise at least 5 days a week. So its a cycle I do this well for a while lose a few, then I get fed up and tried of this regiment and I fall off the wagon. There for I usually manage to stay in the same range. However this time I find that I am having trouble getting the motivation to get back on track. So I thought I would try a new idea, I am gonna use my blog as a journel to keep me honest about what Im eatting and doing. So I am gonna try and come on here and bare my diet soul to the world in order to keep honest. I lose weight best when I eat whole foods, low glycemic carbs, and limit my sugars. Plus exercise. Sounds like a party eh? Anyway heres my pledge for this week:
I will drink 8 glasses of water a day
I will exercise at least 4 days this week
I will eat healthy foods
I will limit snacking
I will only eat when Im hungery
Im gonna give this a try. Now Im not so bold as to post my weights on here eek! Too scarey! So instead I will weigh in tomorrow and I will post how much Im up from my norm, then I will post the changes every saturday.
Alright Im gonna get back on the wagon.. its hard work but its worth it! So now that Im done complaining I will think about the nice bike ride Im gonna go on tomorrow. Stay tuned for my weigh in, its not gonna be pretty I can almost tell you how much i weigh at any given day. If only chocolate was calorie free!!! Good luck to me!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Home Safe and Sound
Im back from our great capital. Was a very productive couple of days. It taught me 2 very important things: Accreditation is very confusing and its gonna be a long year! We have an accreditation date set for Nov 2007. If you can believe it we are actually supposed to be starting the process now 18 months away! Like yikes! How scarey is that? I found out that this "process" involves all this stuff that we do for a year to prove we have quality indicators and all this "language" that adds up to : you are doing a good enough job for the gov to say your "ok". Anyway at the end of all these months of papers filled with stats (my very least favorite thing in school), you have to go through this intense 2 day interview where these people called surveyors come out and analyise everything from A to Z. They interview everyone. My general take is that they are scarey people we probably spent 30 min discussing their needs for the interviewing days. We must provide them with lunch, coffee, refreshments, an IT person on call for their computers, a driver to take them to any locations of other services that we provide, a paper shredder, 2 separate rooms to conduct their stuff. Binders of stats and info neatly ready for reviewing. I am like Oh my God! the lord himself is coming to visit perhaps he will bring the queen, Britney Spears and maybe even Simon cowell with Ryan Seacrest! Thats how it felt. These people are serious, they dont smile they dont have personlities, they just have pens, note papers and pocket protectors. But the nice thing is after 18 months of work we will have the relief of a quick turn over time of knowing whether we got accreditation status or not: a mere 45-60 days (give or take). yup no stress there! The accreditation to help you get why Im sort of stressed is basically the future of my existence in this nice world I live in now. No accreditation= no contract, no contract= no agency, no agency means Cherie is the newest Walmart greeter in town. So this may not be the last thing you hear on this "accrediation" word. Oh the other thing I learned while away: Dont try to argue with a Russian coffee shop owner about whether the specifications to your "latte" are really coffee or not. It will only end in a poor coffee and getting a very grumpy service person.
I say I would ike a latte with skim milk and half the esspresso. Half the esspresso? He says in a think accent, I say yes half please. Then its not a coffee he replies. I say it is to me can you make it? No No to me it is not a coffee you are ordering. I say : I like it that way can you make it? He looks at me puzzled as though its mission impossible. I say again: can you make it or do I walk a block to Second cup, then he says why do you want only half the esspresso? I say that I cant sleep at night and its now 10pm. So he says why dont you get a decaf? I say can you do that? He says yes I say fine. He walks away to make it muttering to himself in Russian. The next morning he sees me and says something to his helper walks away from me at the counter and then the non english person takes my order. Which I loudly announce that I would like a regular latte with all the caffeine they have as its now morning and I want to be awake. The girl just looked puzzled.. but I know the coffee nazi knew exactly what I was saying!
Anyway thats it for me: oh one other piece of good news! I really did win a spa package and its a grand one might I add! we are talking head to toe pampering! I cant wait!
I say I would ike a latte with skim milk and half the esspresso. Half the esspresso? He says in a think accent, I say yes half please. Then its not a coffee he replies. I say it is to me can you make it? No No to me it is not a coffee you are ordering. I say : I like it that way can you make it? He looks at me puzzled as though its mission impossible. I say again: can you make it or do I walk a block to Second cup, then he says why do you want only half the esspresso? I say that I cant sleep at night and its now 10pm. So he says why dont you get a decaf? I say can you do that? He says yes I say fine. He walks away to make it muttering to himself in Russian. The next morning he sees me and says something to his helper walks away from me at the counter and then the non english person takes my order. Which I loudly announce that I would like a regular latte with all the caffeine they have as its now morning and I want to be awake. The girl just looked puzzled.. but I know the coffee nazi knew exactly what I was saying!
Anyway thats it for me: oh one other piece of good news! I really did win a spa package and its a grand one might I add! we are talking head to toe pampering! I cant wait!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Hi all
Well I just thought I would write a quick update. Its gonna be a busy next few days. Im working at the hospital 12 hr day tomorrow - its been a while!! I hope I dont fall asleep from the sheer early hour that I have be be up!
Anyway other then that I thought I would share some exciting stuff Im going to Ottawa on sunday till tues. Im going with my boss for a work related conference. We are starting the year long process of acreditation simply put we make our agency look as good as we can shine it all up then the ministry of health does this big interview/review and gives us (hopefully) there fine stamp of approval. This will improve our future odds of being the best at what we do. Anyway it should be cool we are gonna go on the train on sunday and its gonna be neat to learn all the stuff. Plus it does not hurt that its all paid for by the company!!!
It also appears that I have won a spa package through Barrys work. He entered a draw and there was a message tonight saying he had won.... now if you all recall there was a time not long ago when I was fooled by barrys tricky work collegues. I am not dumb enough to get tricked twice. I say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! So I wont be excited about this till the actual papers are in my hand. I hope its true- and if the work people have struck again then well they will have to face my rath! However thats a whole other blog! Well night everyone stay tuned for more excitment from my life!
Well I just thought I would write a quick update. Its gonna be a busy next few days. Im working at the hospital 12 hr day tomorrow - its been a while!! I hope I dont fall asleep from the sheer early hour that I have be be up!
Anyway other then that I thought I would share some exciting stuff Im going to Ottawa on sunday till tues. Im going with my boss for a work related conference. We are starting the year long process of acreditation simply put we make our agency look as good as we can shine it all up then the ministry of health does this big interview/review and gives us (hopefully) there fine stamp of approval. This will improve our future odds of being the best at what we do. Anyway it should be cool we are gonna go on the train on sunday and its gonna be neat to learn all the stuff. Plus it does not hurt that its all paid for by the company!!!
It also appears that I have won a spa package through Barrys work. He entered a draw and there was a message tonight saying he had won.... now if you all recall there was a time not long ago when I was fooled by barrys tricky work collegues. I am not dumb enough to get tricked twice. I say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! So I wont be excited about this till the actual papers are in my hand. I hope its true- and if the work people have struck again then well they will have to face my rath! However thats a whole other blog! Well night everyone stay tuned for more excitment from my life!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Meeting Jill, grey hair and the kids next door
Well I can imagine that reading the title has lead to some curiosity to my readers. Allow me to explain: I will start with what is currently bothering me the neighbours to my left have two "tweens" you know what Im talking about that ackward age between 10-13. In the past we have not really seen much or heard much from these kids, however much to our horror the parents of the "tweens" have bought them a full sized trampoline. How did we first discover this? Barry and I had gotten home from a long day at work and we were changing out of our work clothes... now I dont know about you but I tend to walk around in my underware at times. This was one of those times Barry and I were looking for our comfy clothes and not properly attired. So Barry walks into the living room which faces our backyard. The only thing you can see is the fence next door and the yard so we had the curtains open- not expecting to see anyone Barry walked out half undress shall we say and was startled by the popping up of a head of the annoying boy next door. Every few seconds we would see this head pop up and disturb our privacy. Needless to say we ran and closed the curtains to avoid giving the first peep show in our neighbourhood. So to our delight the trampoline has brought friends to play and much noise. Infact at this moment they are playing on it with loud loud teeny bopper music (not even good teeny bopper music might I add). The most annoying part is that the song keeps stopping and then the same 1 min segment is started over again. Again and again it plays. I know that if there are any parents in the crowd you are probably thinking we are just not intouch with the world of kids- well your right we are not. Yup I am at this point in my life a self proclaimed "DINK" So until that changes I will continue to hate this trampoline and think of ways I might be able to get it out of our lives. (Im open to suggestion also)
So now going back to the weekend. We had a great weekend, got alot of stuff done in the garden and around the house in General. However a startling discovery was made... Barry and I were on our way out to meet Missy for dinner when as we are getting ready to go he standing behind me says" what is that and proceeds to rip a hair out of my head. After giving a yelp of discomfort for the lost hair I notice that the hair that he has just pulled out does not seem like mine. I mean Im a dirty blond this hair appears almost white... but no that cant be it has to be that its just highlighted and apearing platnium. I did go into this state of denile for a few minutes but it did not last as I soon had to fast the awful truth.... Barry had found a grey hair. My first real grey hair. My youth is dead my life has taken the down ward spiral.. Im getting.... *sweating*, gulp, Im getting OLD! So Barry being the wonderful and supportive husband that he is was good enough to do a search of my head and notify me that not to worry there was more where that one came from. Apparently they have infiltrated my world and I can no longer deny that age is slowly tightening its grip on me, whats next wrinkles??? I cant even think about that right now.
Lastly but not least my dear friend Missy had an unfortunate case of mistaken idenity. We were meeting her for dinner on the weekend when she was approached by 40ish looking male with a werid afro typ hairdo and a nice beer gut to ask her if she as "jill" She gave it some thought and decided that no indeed she was not Jill. The man walked away disappointed. Then of course "Jill" did appear. Jill was a 40ish looking year old women. I think that guy was dreaming. Why he thought that my 20 something friend could possibly be the women that was clearly his blind date is beyond me. All I can say is keep dreaming buddy cause Jill has left the building!
Anyway thats all I got in my head so Im drained now. Later people!
So now going back to the weekend. We had a great weekend, got alot of stuff done in the garden and around the house in General. However a startling discovery was made... Barry and I were on our way out to meet Missy for dinner when as we are getting ready to go he standing behind me says" what is that and proceeds to rip a hair out of my head. After giving a yelp of discomfort for the lost hair I notice that the hair that he has just pulled out does not seem like mine. I mean Im a dirty blond this hair appears almost white... but no that cant be it has to be that its just highlighted and apearing platnium. I did go into this state of denile for a few minutes but it did not last as I soon had to fast the awful truth.... Barry had found a grey hair. My first real grey hair. My youth is dead my life has taken the down ward spiral.. Im getting.... *sweating*, gulp, Im getting OLD! So Barry being the wonderful and supportive husband that he is was good enough to do a search of my head and notify me that not to worry there was more where that one came from. Apparently they have infiltrated my world and I can no longer deny that age is slowly tightening its grip on me, whats next wrinkles??? I cant even think about that right now.
Lastly but not least my dear friend Missy had an unfortunate case of mistaken idenity. We were meeting her for dinner on the weekend when she was approached by 40ish looking male with a werid afro typ hairdo and a nice beer gut to ask her if she as "jill" She gave it some thought and decided that no indeed she was not Jill. The man walked away disappointed. Then of course "Jill" did appear. Jill was a 40ish looking year old women. I think that guy was dreaming. Why he thought that my 20 something friend could possibly be the women that was clearly his blind date is beyond me. All I can say is keep dreaming buddy cause Jill has left the building!
Anyway thats all I got in my head so Im drained now. Later people!
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