Saturday, May 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Melissa! 28 Years Youngish?

Well the years march on for Missy today! Pop the fine wine, get out the balloons and lets have a look back at this now 28 year old:

Missy in 1994: Young and full of life

Missy 1996: The hair is longer but the youth remains intact.

Missy: Bride to the left with eyes closed. The years continue to be good to you!! Even when drunk you can pull off classy!

Alas the clock is ticking, thanks to technology we have been able to accruately predict how Missy will look in another 30+ years. Wow!

To cheese, wine and Missy - all things that get better with age! (see ya on the 30 side, I know you will be joining me soon!) Cheers tonight!

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