Thursday, May 18, 2006

Nostalgic Moment.. its a long one!

Im feeling Nostalgic... I know what your thinking oh brother here she goes again.. I have to admitt that what triggered this trip down memory lane is watching the series finale's of That 70's show and Will and Grace. Corney eh? I guess the topic of the shows kinda got me thinking, about life. I mean on both shows friends and family reached cross roads in life and took the necessary steps to move forward. I guess this is a truth that goes beyond the tv to real life. We all make a journey around this world. I have been watching all these real life stories unfold.

I think about where I have been and how I have got to this point in my life, all the things that shape me and my world view. I have been blessed with many gifts in this life in the form of friendships. I think its one of lifes great honours to see the people you love evolve , grow and realize their potential. I have friends so dear that are both here in my life and those that are across miles. The stories of each of their lives has helped me to develop all the parts of myself.

I think back to a small town where I met this crazy red head (and you know who you are hee hee) We used to be 14 year old kids stalking boys at the local motel.. we would dream about the days ahead and not look at us all grown up your on your way to Africa to change the world in your own way, and Im trying to understand my world here in Bowmanville. I hope you know that I love ya whereever you go in this world!

I think back to yet another small town where I met a girl who could sing, and had the cutest blond boyfriend I used to be so jealous of your talents. Now your still the best singer I know and to think that you have done the most amazing thing.. you have raised two beautiful sons and are making all those you know so proud of all the things you have accomplished and overcome. I remember all the little things, the dairy queen sundaes, the failed baking attempts, the kareoke- who could forget the kareoke! Whenever I hear that song " I Hope you Dance" I think about the last time we sat in my house with both my parents alive and waiting to watch us move on with life. I think they would be proud!

I even think about people who were there for a season, I think of my college buddy the girl who taught me to be a little "bad". We may have only lasted for a few seasons but it has its purpose, you taught me how to be my own women and F*&$% em it they didnt like me. Those days were fun, much tequiella, much dancing, much fear to face the medical world. Now I've heard that your off in your own world doing well, I would like to think that perhaps I gave you a little softness to see the lighter side. I owe you the thanks of balance you showed me how to be both my best self and laugh at the human side. Thanks!

Then there is that girl with the little white car, the girl who knew all the words to grease, the girl who predicted from the first day that Barry would be my husband.. I should have just listened to you and saved myself much heartache of the endless search for "the one" that was right there all along. Our mutual love of country music, our talks about life, and everything in between- Im sure you remember the Sudbury trip? LOL I learned alot from you! It has been a pleasure to watch you grow, you had your heart broken and it was hard to watch that pain in your life. Now its so amazing to know you as an adult to watch you take some new exciting steps I am honoured to still be such a big part of it all. I look at you now and see an adult! Its scarey but I guess we both are.. but we still know how to have fun- lets not forget that.

I know that this is long but I just have to keep going cant leave out the players in the story of my life. The theres the girl with the big glasses, the one that I was "warned" would not be a good person to hang out with lol. One of the few people who has had the joy of being my roomie. Those where speical days I will always treasure that fun time. Im sure I could list 100 things we have gotten ourselves into. I will always remember the blue lagoons, the talk girl and Myles. You have taught me to slow down I get so ahead of myself and want to jump into things and you showed me how to think it through. I have had the joy to watch your story unfold from teenage girl to cool college chick to gardening wife and "doggie mummy". The story gets better with time.

Who could leave out the only girl who thrives on the grossest of my medical melodrama! The only person who wanted me to keep a crappy homecare job so that I could tell you my drama. I will however never forget you letting me cry the blues from under the covers in your bedroom over my job woes, I can think of one stormy night you got the call in Kingston- and I have to say that our talk that day is perhaps the reason I made it to being a nurse you got me through my wits end. I have seen you go from library book "collector" to classy professional women. However I think that you and I can still sit back with a bottle of jacob and regress to perhaps a slopper self, once in a while. Your loyalty over the years is rare and special to keep close by. Just remember I am a very good "buddy" canadate!

The theres that farm girl, she can out run me for sure, and Im sure that she could get up earlier then I can ever hope to. All the laughs and fun adds a speical dimension to each and every memory. I recall a young girl who would throw on garbage man overalls to go dumpster diving, or have a crazy "farmers" party. I can hardly believe that life is so different- your gonna be a mom! Its super exciting and Im so happy for you! I cant wait to meet that special little someone thats gonna be a a little piece of your fun personality.

Oh gosh I have to say that life would be no fun at all without that dark haired girl on 2 center who kept me sane in my final days! You came through for me on my big day and were an amazing support, I think from you I have learned how to be more assertive, how to stand up for myself as a professional and as a person. You are my never ending source of entertainment and good times! Who can forget the bathroom stall and the drunken labour nurse pledge! Or the near miss deliveries where the two junior nurses were the only delivery people in site!

Then theres that crazy nurse who helped me pick the lice, yes the lice! I dont think that there will ever be another person who knows more about that time in our lives then us. We shared a time of real growth, we went from students to professionals during those summers. Who could forget the bagel binges, the "its your turn to get the door", Moggy's got an emergency call 911! Your this prostar nurse now with all this amazing drive and these goals. You have helped people all over the world and for that I admire you. When we get together Im still the "pink daisy" and your still the melon ball! that will never change even if we are 90!

The of course I know that if hes reading this hes like hey! What about me? Well of course I have not forgotten about that skinny boy. The guy who gave me grief in english class and got me kicked to the front. The guy who has taught me an appreciation for all things star trek not "track" by the way for all you non trekies! There are just 1000s of things that you have brought to my life. So many memories how do you pick just one. The days at your house in the elephant spray pool, the saturday night scanner sessions. The big prank that scared you! Then of course theres your first horse back ride, your first snorkling experience. I recall with laughter the night we brought you home after your 19th, and dumped you on your bathroom floor.. I guess since then I have returned the favour the odd time! You have given me the most love and joy. Its gone from a story about you to the story of "us". From a first kiss to a ring to a marriage. The story just grows and gets better everyday. I cant wait to the day that we have our own little people to tell our stories to. We are so lucky to be surrounded by all these people who are the characters that add to the story of our lives. I have to thank Mrs kirbys history class for being the outlet that cemented our friendship, if it were not for a whole semester of boring modern western I dont think that alot of important foundation would have been made. So when our kids say they dont see what the point of taking this class or that class is we can smile and give them a good reason to stick with it! I love ya baby you make my world worth the journey!

Oh gosh please dont be mad theres so many people who deserve to be part of this post, but I feel like Im at the Oscurs and theres a guy with a big cane trying to pull me off the stage. Anyway to everyone who has or does create the story of my life I say thankyou for sharing your life with me and for being part of this story. I cant believe that so many steps have been taken to get to this point, there are changes in the next few years for all of us.. Im sure around every corner but lets never forget where we came from, it was far to fun to lose it!. Good night everyone my fingers are super tired!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, I need to learn to not read your blog at work unless I want to start laughing out loud, sitting here alone at my desk!
It's so fun to read back over all these times. I had forgotten the talk girl! But I'll never forget Miles...