Thursday, August 31, 2006

I cant sleep

I have been lying awake since 4 am this moring. I cant sleep. It does not happen very often, but every once in a while something has me bothered enough that I cant catch the sand man. Anyway I finally decided to just get up and surf the net as I was tossing and turning and Im sure waking up barry.

Got alot on my mind today, some specific worries that are leaving me feeling vulnerable. I hate that I have no control over some things in life, and while I know that worrying over something that I have no control over the outcome does no good, I cant seem to feel any better. Today will be either a big sigh of relief and things will be ok, or it will be the begining of a difficult time. The fact that so much can rest on one answer is very stressful to me. I wish I was a person who nothing bothered me and no matter what life threw me I just rolled with it and was ok no matter the outcome. I think those types of people have an easier time in life then people like me who can find the stress and worry in everything. I wonder if there is a course one can take on how not to worry and stress? If there was I would take it.

Anyway I know that Im speaking rather vaguely and it is of course deliberate, as Im not ready to share all things with all people. However if your reading this could you just send me some good vibes this morning, Im sure I could use it.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Summer is almost over!

Can anyone believe that the summer is almost over? It seems to me to just have gone by and some how I missed it. Its been a good summer, lots of fun and good times had with friends and family. I amlooking foward to the excitment that the fall will bring. All the new challenges and experiences yet to be had. I can not believe that in a couple more months the title of my blog will no longer be vaild.. sadly we will not be the "newlyweds" anymore. Its almost been a year and a great year that just keeps getting better and better. If our plans come through we are gonna be heading to Vegas for our 1 year anniversary.

Work is busy and challenging as ever, there are days that I wish I could just become a professional bum and sit on a couch and eat chips while watching tv. However Im out there working like everyone else. Anyway I know that this blog has been lacking in zest and even as I write this I dont feel any humor or enlightenment. Im very sorry to my loyal fans (I stand corrected at least 4 of you!!) Anyway I will try to come out of my summer haze and provide some quality blogging soon. One good thing about the fall is that my dear hubby will shed free his summer schdule that has him working opposite of me. We will again see each other more then twice a week! This I think will go a long way to improving my blogging. Hope everyone had a great summer.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Experiences with Chicken wings

Have you ever looked at a chicken wing and wanted to barf? This is what happened to me today. Barry and i were in the grocery store near the precooked food section and he said " I think we should get some wings they look good" At first I looked at them and thought yeah the look good. Then it happend out of no where I felt disgusted by there appearance and wanted to barf! So I quickly moved away from the wings as I felt the rise of vomit in my throat and swallowed it... mmm wings any one???

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Coming a blog near you.....

Be on the look out for changes to this website! There have been some interesting updates that will soon be incorporated into this blogging space. Stay tuned for some exciting posts!

Cheries Back for Blogging fun!!

Hi all! Well I know that its been a while since a blog has been written and my loyal fans (all 2 of you ha ha!) have been waiting. So I will wet your blog palate with some photos from last weekends trip to Brockville!

This is a picture of Maria with the twins, you will notice that Josh is actually getting some air time as he jumps in the air.

Here is a pic of the boats that what were part of the poker run! My favorite was the one that the name was "git er done" Yes very classy indeed.

A happy shot of the Sharpes on the way to Rib fest day of fun! Anyway this is just a warm up stay tuned

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Im still alive

hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that Im still alive. Life is going along nicely. Nothing very exciting right now. Anyway I promise to get inspired soon and write something exciting!!!


Sunday, August 06, 2006

If I were were President of the world......

I have been thinking lately about how unfair and cruel the world can be. It rewards the wrong people and rips off the good people. Therefore I have given it some thought and I have decided that if I were President of the world I would do things differently:

I would make all the rich people share with the poorest people in the world so that they had their share too

I would ban beauty contests and people like Nicole Richie and the Olsen Twins would be examples of things that you never wanted to be like.

I would take away what people take for granted in their lives just to teach them appreciation and then I would give it back only if they promised to treat it with respect

I would take all the babies in the world that are born to unfit parents and I would give them to the poor couples who try and try to have children and could give a good life to a child.

I would make people take a mandatory parenting test and if you failed you would not be allowed to procrate.

I would lock all the criminals up and throw away the key no questions asked

I would make all the bad food that we eat be good for you and instead salad would have 1300 calories a serving and a piece of cheesecake would be worth nothing.

I would make exercise happen while you were in your sleep.

I would make sure that everyone got at least 4 weeks paid vacation

I would take all the people who are at the top of a company (who take all the good shifts, stats, and holidays) and I would put them in a low wage fast food job to teach them not to be so greedy with their time off and let someone else have a good turn once in a while

yes that is just a short list of what I would do.. I dont know why I felt compelled to write this but I did. Its stright out of my head.

Some Im sure are glad that Im not the president.. but maybe just maybe Im onto something......

The Best Movie of the Summer!

Talladega Nights! The funnest movie of the summer. This movie is pure entertainment, Will Ferrell makes this movie a hit by his hilarous interpretation of all that is ridiculous about race cars and the how ridiculous people get about this "hobby". It gave me a good laugh thats for sure. However I kept trying to see where the fun in watching it came in.. other then Will and his wit I see nothing interesting about racing. Its mind numbing to watch cars circle a track over and over. I can not for the life of me understand why there are so many people out there who find this entertaining. Anyway I digress the point is Will gave a good rubbing to all the trashy rednecks out there that sit at home with a bucket of KFC and wrap their sad little lives around this pass time. I wonder if they ever get curious about life beyond racing... doubt it! Anyway go see it its a great funny mocking movie! Best of the summer! Cherie gives it 2 thumbs up!!! Enjoy

More Great Photos from my fabulous vacation!

Hey Everyone well Im back with more pics, as I was looking at the cake I realized it was 45 years not 50!! Oh well they are such a great couple they will get to 50 in no time- and that party will be even bigger then the 45th!! Anyway Here are some more pics for you to enjoy!

A yummy Taits cake , it did not last long thats for sure!

A pic of barrys Nannie Marshall, Chris and Olivia. Barrys Nannie was a hoot she had a great time. Chris wool socks in the summer? He came so close to a swim!!

Me and My honey enjoying the sun in Nans backyard. I decided to give barry a wet hug after I got out of the pool! Im sure he appreciated that!!

Maria and Bonnie man the BBQ to keep the hungery group happy! Burgers were great!

The twins are the two cutest babies in the whole world, had alot of fun playing and swimming with them. Here they appear to be trying to get into the bucket... not sure your gonna fit Olivia.

Anyway thats the updated vacation pics I hope eveyone enjoys them as much as I had making them. Its been a great summer so far for family get togethers. Next weekend the fun continues with a trip to Brockville for Rib fest and to plan the ever growing vegas trip now to include Chris, Maria, Poppy and we are working on a few more peeps. Anyway will be fun more pics then!!!

Our Week of vacation

Here are some moments from our week off. We started the week by going to my brothers cottage, then onto Brockville to help Barrys Nan and Pop celebrate their 50th! This Blog is out of order and not Cooperating.. The other pics that are unlabeled are: Barry driving stewerts boat, turns out hes the next skipper after all! Nan and Pop 50 years and going strong!! A group shot of Barry and I with Pat stewert and Ashley at the cottage. Had a great time. Next blog more pics to come!

Barry and I on the boat catching some Rays

Me with the dying butterfly that Barry ran over!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bad Day

Without going into details as I think Im starting to learn that while I enjoy blogging and sharing my life with people.. not everyone needs to know the nitty gritty details of my life.

Anyway lets just say its been a bad day. I feel completely awful and unhappy. I am stuck with all these negative feelings that I want to just get rid of but am having trouble finding a way to let go.

The best way to describe how I feel is what I came up with this afternoon. I feel like Im a runner and I have been training for this big race, just as Im getting ready to jump from the starting line I realize I have an awful cramp in my leg... I look at the track before me it seems unpredicatble, with no clear end and I think I dont know how I will finish this run with my cramp. That is how I feel somewhat powerless and at the mercy of things out of my control.

I will admitt that Im a worry wart (that is clear from my past blogs) however I just see this journey stretching out before me and Im having trouble seeing the bright side and Im having trouble with the fact that I cant tie things up in a neat little package and "fix it". Anyway Thats why there have been no new blogs this week just lots going on in my head. I will say this I am lucky to have Barry and my good friends as both are wonderful supports to me. I hope that one day (in the not to distant future) I can look back at this blog and think wow that was no big deal at all. I also hope to be back to my fun writing stuff.... might just take some time. Anyway thats all I got for now.