Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Best Movie of the Summer!

Talladega Nights! The funnest movie of the summer. This movie is pure entertainment, Will Ferrell makes this movie a hit by his hilarous interpretation of all that is ridiculous about race cars and the how ridiculous people get about this "hobby". It gave me a good laugh thats for sure. However I kept trying to see where the fun in watching it came in.. other then Will and his wit I see nothing interesting about racing. Its mind numbing to watch cars circle a track over and over. I can not for the life of me understand why there are so many people out there who find this entertaining. Anyway I digress the point is Will gave a good rubbing to all the trashy rednecks out there that sit at home with a bucket of KFC and wrap their sad little lives around this pass time. I wonder if they ever get curious about life beyond racing... doubt it! Anyway go see it its a great funny mocking movie! Best of the summer! Cherie gives it 2 thumbs up!!! Enjoy

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