Thursday, December 21, 2006

Update on baby

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to give you an update on my situation. I went today for my ultrasound and got some good news. The tech I had was amazing. She was able to see everything and explained it all to me as we went along. She could see every part of the baby - well accept for that ever stubborn gender! Anyway the heart kidney's, limbs, brain all the organs and everything looks healthy and normal. We were to relieved to hear this as it was the big worry that the baby would be sick.

So what we need to watch for is the baby is a week behind, they have classified it as IUGR (this means Interuterine Growth Retardation- no it does not mean the baby is retarded). I also do have a low level of fluid. They feel that this has to do with placenta. They did mention that there is enough fluid that the baby as been able to flip from breech to head down back to breech. So we need to watch these issues and I will be followed by a high risk clinic for a while. I'm feeling pretty positive I know that things can be OK with these results, as I have delivered IUGR babies and they have been fine, just smaller. It also probably means that I wont go to term as the placenta may not hold out that long. My goal is to get to 35 weeks that would be ideal. So there will be some close monitoring and maybe a bit of a bumpy road ahead, but definitely an optimistic outlook as baby looked good today.


Anonymous said...

Just want you to know that we are 'holding our breath' right now. Glad for the better news today.

Julie said...
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Julie said...

So glad to hear it Cher!

Know we are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

That is great news Cher...Glad that it was a very merry christmas for everyone !!