Wednesday, December 20, 2006

So heres the scoop..

Well I'm finally feeling mentally up to writing this blog. As most of you know I have been having issues with my blood pressure during this pregnancy. I have been off work, back to work and now off work and on meds again. The blood pressure has remained status quo, meaning its not gotten any higher.

However yesterday I went for my appointment to see the results of last weeks ultra sound. The report said that the fluid levels around the baby are what they call "low normal". For those of you who are wondering this is what is important about the fluid:

Amniotic fluid fills the sac surrounding your developing baby and plays several important roles:
• It cushions your baby to protect him from trauma (if you take a tumble, for instance).
• It prevents the umbilical cord from becoming compressed and reducing your baby's oxygen supply.
• It helps maintain a constant temperature in the womb.
• It protects against infection.
• It allows your baby to move around so that his muscles and bones develop properly.
• It helps the digestive and respiratory systems develop as your baby swallows and excretes it and "inhales" and "exhales" it from his lungs.

So as you can read its pretty important. My doctor is leaving for a trip today, so she was gonna see me when I got back. Just as I was getting ready to leave I mentioned to her that in the last week I have not felt the baby move that much. So with the low normal fluid she sent me back to ultrasound. They gave me a written report and I went back to her office. The news was upsetting at best. The fluid was now classified as low vs. low normal. The baby is now said to be measuring a week and a bit behind. Also due to the low fluid its hard for the ultrasound to see the organs and limbs, as the fluid acts as a window to see whats going on. So my doctor gave me the news that she is concerned enough that I am to go to another facility to get what they call a Level 2 ultra sound ( its more detailed). She also has decided to refer me to the high risk clinic down town at Mount Sinai.

So all this news was very upsetting and sent both Barry and I for an emotional loop. The biggest concern with the fluid and measuring behind is that there is a problem with the baby's kidneys or heart.

I got my appointment set up we go tomorrow at 9am to a clinic in Thornhill. The nicest part of my day today was that my doctor has left me in the care of her partner (who I worked with at the hospital) I actually took care of his wife when they had their baby. So he took the time to call me at home and talk to me and gave me alot of hope and reassurance. He has also gone out of his way to make sure that the clinic sends me off with a written report to take to him so that I don't have to go through the holidays not knowing whats going on with the baby. Anyway I'm feeling more hopeful and staying positive. I know that there are alot of people that are rooting for us and praying for us. I'm grateful for the wonderful support we have. I will keep everyone posted once we know whats going on with our baby.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts are prayers are with you and Barry right now. Just know that you are surrounded by lots of support, and people who care.

Julie said...

Will pray for you and Barry and the babe.

Love ya.