Thursday, November 02, 2006

An Ode to the Clemintine

An Ode to the Clemintine

Oh sweet delicious orange how I love you so

When I eat you I get a chill down to my toe

You are a delightful treat to enjoy

Loved by both girl and boy

I would love to eat you all year long

Sadly your only here and then your gone

So I will peel your lovely fruit

thank god you dont make me toot!

- an original poem by Cherie Bates


Barbat said...

There is a reason you are a nurse and not a poet...

Kathryn said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. I laughed so freakin' hard at this. Can i PLEASE post this on my blog!?!?!? I feel the same way!!! Mmmm, I think i'll go have one now....YUMS!