Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that you all had lots of sugar rotting candy.

Barry and I in the corn maze at Pingles farm. Yes it was raining, yes it was cold, there was even some hail.. but we prevailed and did the maze.

We made it through the maze!!!! How talented are we.

Mr. Columbo decided that he wanted to help hand out candy to the kids in his Batman costume. As you can see he was very excited about his look.

Mr. Columbo was giving me a very cool and aloof look, trying to pretend he was too cool to have his picture taken.

This is a picture of my pumpkin! I carved it with my own artistic ability. It was a welcome site to all those out trick or treating.


Anonymous said...

The Mister's thought bubble would say, "I am so ashamed... I was only a borderline dog at best before this costume... You wonder why I act out with my kitchen suprises!"

Kathryn said...


Annelise and I were chatting...A little sidenote about the SP's. We thought that maybe we'd babysit sometime soon after the baby is born, we think it would only take an afternoon to convert the kid for life!

Think about it, let us know! *wink*

Anonymous said...

I must admit, the Mister is cute. For a cat.