Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that you all had lots of sugar rotting candy.

Barry and I in the corn maze at Pingles farm. Yes it was raining, yes it was cold, there was even some hail.. but we prevailed and did the maze.

We made it through the maze!!!! How talented are we.

Mr. Columbo decided that he wanted to help hand out candy to the kids in his Batman costume. As you can see he was very excited about his look.

Mr. Columbo was giving me a very cool and aloof look, trying to pretend he was too cool to have his picture taken.

This is a picture of my pumpkin! I carved it with my own artistic ability. It was a welcome site to all those out trick or treating.

Monday, October 30, 2006

If this does not make you cry, nothing will!

Ok so I maybe losing it due to some sort of pregnancy hormones, but I spent half an hour crying tonight watching oprah cause of this 2 legged dog. This Dog was found as a puppy abandoned by its mother, ready to die. The son of the family brought her home and the family took her to the vet who told them to put her down. They did not want to give up on this little dog, instead they taught her how to walk on 2 legs! She is the happiest spunkest dog I have ever seen (2 or 4 legs!) It just makes me think wow if someone had given up on her she would not have the wonderful life she has.. .Im getting sad just thinking about it.

So the story gets deeper. This dog appeared on Oprah in May, and todays show was an update. Oprah has a school for girls in Africa. She was there recently and this little girl came up to her and said: I liked your story about the 2 legged dog, that dog made me realize that I can do anything. Ok full sob mode! Yeah you talk about the crumple it was an all out bawl! Theres me and Mr. Columbo and scooby (both pets trapped in an uncomfortable embrace on my lap) desparately trying to get away from crazy mommy. Anyway i was like I love you guys, cry cry cry. yeah so I felt I needed to blog. Check out the pics below, its so sweet, we should all have a 2 legged dog in our lives.

Annoyances with Direct Energy

Dear Direct Energy,

I just want you to know that when you send a specious looking man to my door at nearly 9pm and Im in my jammies, Im not likely looking to switch hydro providers. Chances are very good that if I was unhappy with my service I would seek you out. I am a smart person who knows how to explore my options. So if I wanted you I would simply call you. However sending a stranger to my house at that hour only serves to make the guy (who is likely not a psycho like he appears to be at 9pm) seem scarey. So he has to sell his pitch to me from behind my screen door. Im sure he does not like his job, anymore then I like him doing his job.

Anyway for you and all others trying sell something either by phone or in person.. heed this warning - dont call me Ill call you. Thank you.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Watch for the Dixie Chicks movie soon....

This movie looks like it will be a really good look at a small piece of American Culture. Heres a trailer for the Chicks "Shut up and Sing"

Well last night Julia and I went to see the chicks at the ACC and it was an awesome show. There was alot of references made to "the mistake" that was made with the comments about the president and the Canadians loved every minute of it! I have to say that they are a symbol of strength they never once backed down from what they said and have taken the heat, but that takes character! Here is a clip of what the concert was like. Its not the best clip but the best I could find live. When they sang their song "not ready to make nice" it brought the house down. Have a listen!

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Secret is out....

Well the secret is out! The newlyweds (or not so newlywed) are having a baby! Who knew that inside us crazy fun loving kids were responsible parents??? To celebrate the start of our growing family I have decided to give my blog an updated look (by the way we are back on line so blog lurkers the dry spell is over!).

As of tomorrow I will be 15 weeks, thats almost 4 months! I can't even believe that we are almost half the way to our lives being changed forever. The first trimester went well, no real issues to speak of. There are days that it does not feel real, but all I have to do is look at this picture and it becomes very real. I cant get over how much our little bean looks like a person already. Just in case there are issues with trying to decide what you are seeing its a side profile, you can see the head, the body and a little foot sticking out.... of course my over zealous husband would contest that the foot is indeed another apendage! I think we will have to wait on that!
So Im sure that there may be questions out there so here are the answers to the typical things I have been asked:

1. I feel pretty good just tired
2. Yes sadly my pants are now too tight and we are into mat wear
3. We are going to be delivering at Markham Stouffville Hospital - no midwives allowed
4. No we dont know what we are having
5. I dont know if we will find out what it is
6. I would like a girl, Barry a boy but over all a healthy baby would be wonderful
7. No there are no twins (sorry to dissappoint those who were holding a candle light that there were two)
8. There are a few doulas in training that have offered their services to us
9. Your darn right Ill be taking whatever drugs I can get!
10. Yes we do have some names in mind but not sure yet.

Anyway thats a small update. Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Im Still here

Hi Everyone I just thought I would let you know that Im still alive in the universe. I called Best Buy yesterday and they gave me false hope telling me that my hard drive was in... I was so gloriously excited.... all for about 30 seconds till they ripped the hope away from me by saying oh no wait thats for someone else. Right someone else eh? So long story short I have been told that it will be another 5-6 bunisess days before the hard drive arrives and another 1-2 days for instillation. So I would guess we are looking at 2 more weeks of a computer free life!

I now think I have a sense of what Amish people feel like! No technology is not fun at all! Now if anything happens to my TV I may go crazy... I might be forced to read or take up a hobby! Neither of which am I looking to do! So dont lose hope in me yet I will return full force. For now this simple Amish girl must go work.

Friday, October 13, 2006

For the Record....

For the record Friday October 13th has lived up to its name. I have had the worst day ever! I could go on and lay it out but frankly Im tired and just want to go home. So instead I will leave you with this simple message that may help you understand my frustrattion:


I hope that the general public knows that I wake up every day and I say to myself as I eat my cereal: what can I do to make your life miserable today? What things can I construct to cause you so much unhappiness that you need to call and yell/ swear/ yell some more at me. Yes without a doubt this is my goal in life to think of ways to make people's lives who in many causes I dont even know personally miserable.

So I say to the general public: Thank you for the headache I now have, thank you for the elevated heart rate I have from being yelled at and thank you for removing another layer of my stomach which will one day become my stress related ulcer. All in all thanks!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Man in the Pink dress looked happier then me..

Its always hard to get back into the swing of things when you are coming off a holiday weekend. So today I went to the office and began my week. As Im driving to work thinking about eh challeneges ahead I felt a little bit grumpy.

The just as Im stopped at a stop light I notice at a near by bus stop there is a man that looks much like Santa, long white beard, a jelly like belly. The only thing different from this santa like figure was the fact that he was wear a flowered dress, pink pany hose, with a big pink scraf tied round his neck. Yes he was smiling and waving to people passing by. I could not help but think to myself.... hmm maybe the crazy people are onto something. I bet he has no worries of what he week holds, no stress over paying bills. Nope he smiles and waves in his pretty flowered dress. Perhaps we all should get out our prety pink dresses and wave to those passing by on the street. Just a thought for this tuesday.

Update: the computer is still at best buy, Im told it will be 1-2 more weeks. So stay tuned I will update when I can and be back on line soon.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Gobble Gobble

Hey everyone!

I hope that you all have a happy thanksgiving. We all have so much to be Thankful for!! Im at work, my computer continues to be at the computer hospital so I am just writing a quick comment. I dont know where all the posts came from, they were things I had tried to post and failed to do so before, so something is screwy!

Anyway All the best to everyone and I will be back on line more regularly soon!!! Enjoy the turkey and stuffing!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Male Restroom Etiquette

Its long but very hilarious! However I do find it hard to believe that men can this much thought process about anything, let alone bathrooms
Survivor Borneo: Sue's speech.

For all you survivor fans... Here is flash back to best all time speech in Survivor history! Enjoy!
Survivor Cook Islands: Billy Expresses Love For Candice

If anyone is looking for a boyfriend, I believe that Billy is available.
Jericho CBS Trailer

My new fall obsession... makes me feel really good about living between 2 nuclear power plants! Watch for it its great!
The Office - Hit me

This little clip is in honour of the office life. Also RIP to the job of QM good luck out there!
The Office - Hit me

This little clip is in honour of the office life. Also RIP to the job of QM good luck out there!

This is my new fall obsession. Can I just say that the first episode made me feel really good about living between two nuclear reactors.... hmm maybe not!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I miss my computer

Im at work so this will be short, I just wanted to say that Im in computer mourning. I miss my dear computer so much. It is my life line. I dont quite know what to do with myself at night without the joys of surfing the net.

The guy at the store has said that it will take 4 days to run computer tests to figure out whats wrong. Then from there it could be 2-4 weeks before I have my little friend back. I will keep you all posted. Just remember who the best blogger is.... thats right the Newlyweds dont forget it.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy 1 year to Missy and Ian!

Seeing as Im going to be off line for the upcoming 1 year event for my friends I wanted to wish Missy and Ian a happy 1 year anniversary!! You guys it was a great day and watching you over the past year it shows that your love is growing with time. Enjoy that paper anniversary... notice I said paper Ian? Not cotton ha ha! Anyway enjoy your memories you guys rock!

From your "buddy"...... Ill let you decide what kind of buddy lol.

Bye Bye Computer!

Well sadly just as my blogging is taking off again there is a major glitch with my computer! This morning I turned it on and it said something very bad: Hard Disk failure is imminent! Please back up your hard disk. So I dont know alot about computers but the hard disk to my understanding is pretty important.. almost like the brain... hmm not so good.

So Barry has been doing alot of something he calls "rescue files". Im told that our little computer is very sick and must go visit the geek squad at best buy where it came from. Dont cry eveyrone but we are told it may be 2 weeks without or precious computer. Yes this brings a tear to my eye. Worst of all I will have limited blogging abilities. I can still check my email at work, but I cant blog at work. So sadly this will be my last post for a while. Please my fans dont forget that Im hear and return to me when we are back on line. So long for now I will see you in two weeks!

Love at First sight?

Ok Survivor fans.. I have to add this clip to my blog. I dont think that yet in all the survivor's that have aired over the years has there been a more ridiculous happening. This guy "Billy" clearly has some issues and perhaps has a deep misunderstanding of the definition of "love". So seeing as he was voted out I dont think he and Candice ever got together, so if your single and interested something tells me hes still completely available. This clip can be enjoyed by both survivor fans and nonsurvivor fans (if such a person exits!). Please take note of Jeff's face when Billy tells about his love its classic! Enjoy

Girls be glad we are not boys!

This one goes out the ladies, with all the issues that we have this is one less thing we can be glad we dont have to deal with. Im trying to add this clip to my blog, bare with me it may not work!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Self Check Outs

Does anyone recognize this? Its a new trend that is popping up everywhere. The self check out.... Another way for the all mighty big box stores to save a buck, I mean why pay rude half witted employees to do the job of a machine that will simply beep at you when it does not get the bar code? Allow me to share my experience.

First of all I will have you know that I hate the self check out. I have never had an occasion where I could use it without requiring assistance. I dont believe that it has anything to do with my ability as a customer, but rather the machines stupidity. I was on my way home the other night and I had 1 item to purchase, looking at the long line ups of people I looked at the empty self check out stations and thought well its only one item so maybe I will go against my personal policy to not use them. So I did exactly as instructed by the machine I touched the screen and scaned it and "placed the item in the bag" so then the machine started saying "please place item in the bag". I dont know what made me think that this would make a difference but I took it out and replaced it in the bag only for the machine to repeat this message followed by please wait for cashier assistance. So there is the cashier standing at her lone post infront of all these mechanical pains in the ass. I stand staring at her burning holes in her shirt with my eyes. What does she do continues to look down at her computer screen. Now unless she is hearing and visually impaired Im sure that both she and I can hear the machine and see that Im not getting the quick check out promised to me by the latest in technology.

First she walks by me to another machine that has gone off after mine. Then when she returns to her post I finally say excuse me but I dont know whats wrong with this thing. She walks over looking annoyed that I have interputed her busy day of staring at her computer screen. Now here folks is the pivitol moment that leads me to believe that customer service is dead. She does not speak a word to me does not even look at me simply punches something into her hand held computer and walks away. No have a nice day, nothing. So Im at a loss as to what is worse poor customer service or the annoyance of the machines that cant scan a can of soup without requiring assistance. All I know is the day that I go to a public washroom and there is a mechanical wiping divice Im moving to the closet hick town I can find!