Friday, October 27, 2006

The Secret is out....

Well the secret is out! The newlyweds (or not so newlywed) are having a baby! Who knew that inside us crazy fun loving kids were responsible parents??? To celebrate the start of our growing family I have decided to give my blog an updated look (by the way we are back on line so blog lurkers the dry spell is over!).

As of tomorrow I will be 15 weeks, thats almost 4 months! I can't even believe that we are almost half the way to our lives being changed forever. The first trimester went well, no real issues to speak of. There are days that it does not feel real, but all I have to do is look at this picture and it becomes very real. I cant get over how much our little bean looks like a person already. Just in case there are issues with trying to decide what you are seeing its a side profile, you can see the head, the body and a little foot sticking out.... of course my over zealous husband would contest that the foot is indeed another apendage! I think we will have to wait on that!
So Im sure that there may be questions out there so here are the answers to the typical things I have been asked:

1. I feel pretty good just tired
2. Yes sadly my pants are now too tight and we are into mat wear
3. We are going to be delivering at Markham Stouffville Hospital - no midwives allowed
4. No we dont know what we are having
5. I dont know if we will find out what it is
6. I would like a girl, Barry a boy but over all a healthy baby would be wonderful
7. No there are no twins (sorry to dissappoint those who were holding a candle light that there were two)
8. There are a few doulas in training that have offered their services to us
9. Your darn right Ill be taking whatever drugs I can get!
10. Yes we do have some names in mind but not sure yet.

Anyway thats a small update. Stay tuned for more!


Anonymous said...

This is sooo awesome. And you never know about twins. When I went for my first ultrasound, they one found one, then they called me back for the re-count, so you never know. Now, Barry changed diapers, that will be something!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look. Very grown-up look for the responsible parents-to-be. Too bad that once the baby (ies) are born you won't be able to rival other blogs out there, you'll be too busy!

Anonymous said...

Re: #7, Ahem, there are twins on Barry's maternal side, albeit, three generations back and from two different families, Marshall's & Jackson's.

Kathryn said...

Cherie and Barry,

Congratulations you guys! I'm SO happy for you two. Cherie, you're gonna be one hot mama! Justa piece of advice, whatever you do, don't let your baby pee on the front lawn! :) Love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are going to be the best parents! And don't worry Barry...I'm sure they'll grow up to be a startrek you'll be able to unpack all your stuff again :)