Monday, July 03, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

Do you ever feel like your a worry wart? I do, Im a worry wart. I can worry about anything just give me a topic and Im off the worrying races. Infact Im sure I could be in the worrying Olympics and win the gold medal prize.

Im finding myself worrying lately about stuff that I cant control and that I need to just relax about. I dont know why I worry I think that sometimes I just worry cause then Im prepared for the worse cause scenaro. If I have worried about all the bad things that can happen then I dont have to feel bad if they happen cause I have already dealt with it. Stupid eh? I would be the first to admitt that its dumb.

Right now Im finding myself struggling with some stuff, and Im trying to not let worry take over. Im really trying hard to just get past stuff that is bothering me and look at the bright side. Today this was hard, I really struggled to not let negative thoughts take over. So tonight I have been making myself busy and trying to be happy for what I have.

I find at times like this it helps me to list my blessings it puts things in perspective. So bare with me as I know that I have done this before but its therapeudic and I find that using my blog like this helps me.

1. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who fills my life with love and laughter
2. I am healthy I can walk my dog around the neighbourhood in the sunshine
3. I have a nice home that is big enough for my family (Barry, Myself, Mr Columbo and Scooby O Mally).
4. I have a good job with great co- workers that make me enjoy going to work.
5. My job allows me to sleep at night instead of being awake all night.
6. I have great friends that cheer me up and join me on the ride through life with its ups and downs
7. I have faith, I believe in God and I believe that he can help me through life and its struggles.
8. I have dreams for the future, I have so much to look forward to and enjoy with Barry our journey has just begun.

Anyway thats my thoughts. I feel better just letting my blog readers in on stuff, and its therapeudic to write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, you need a constructive hobby to keep your mind busy.