Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Please Help Cherie

I need some help with my long weekend. I know I just posted a poll for you all to answer. What I also need is a little help with my own plans. Sadly my dear hubby has to work so Im pretty much flying solo. Most peeps I know are busy and away. I just dont know what to do. So here is what I have come up with so far... bare with me as you take a journey into the inner workings of my mind....

1. Go to Brockville: I could go and would love to bein Brockville with Barrys family as they are so nice and fun. I love spending time with them. However the traffic is gonna be bad and I dont know if I want to sit in it all weekend. The driving alone kinda stresses me out so I feel like as much as I like the idea of it, the travel stress might over rule that

2. Work on saturday at the hospital: Need I say more? does this in any way shape or form say fun July 1st weekend? Nope didnt think so.

3. Paint my kitchen: this is something that I should do... however not something that I want to do...

4. Organize for my yard sale: I figure why should my dear husband get to miss the fun of this job? I should really save it for him to help me with.

5. Have a me weekend in which I have no plan and no agenda I could go for walks rent some movies, go to a public pool and chill... I am leaning towards this idea however I fear I may get bummed out being by myself.. but still not a bad idea

6. sit on my sofa and enjoy the air conditioning while watching hours of mindless telly all the while wishing I had a pool, cottage or trailer to go to. Not such a great idea.

7. Go camping by myself... again dark scaryness with just me in a tent in the woods? Im no daniel boon. I love to camp but like dancing, sex and doing tequilla shots its best if one has a partner to do it with.

8. Go to the library and do something educational...... hahhahahahah gotta ya on that one didnt I!

9. Go for a mindless drive and see what town I end up in and have a day picnic.. perhaps I should have an imaginary friend then they could do fun stuff with me. That might be a thought

10 Create and spend time with my imaginary friend. Althought at 29 years old Im not sure that people might not think me odd talking to myself... that might end with me being admitted somewhere and medicated... better not do that.

So theres my list its not good, its not horrible, but it needs work. So I beg you my readers to give me your thoughts and help me to have a happy Canada weekend.


Anonymous said...

A big vote for #5 is my choice. It's not a sin to spend time by yourself doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

I would say either #2 (money is always good - probably overtime pay, you KNOW you can get this shift) or you could just go to baby practise stage.

There are useful guides on the net, but basically set your alarm to go off every 2 hours, when it does, get up and carry around a sack of sand with a tape of baby crying in the background. Do this for minimum 30 minutes, then restart the cycle.

It's quite an eye opener ;-)

have a great weekend.
