Thursday, April 06, 2006

Lifestyles of a Nurse Manager

Do you ever feel like when you get to work you should just sit down and wait for someone to sit on you cause you are a toilet awaiting a poo dropping? This has been my week apparently one thing I am learning about my job is that Manager is a term that is used to descibe less popular terms like: Complaint department, Shit scooper, employee punching bad... you get the picture.

Anyway this week I have had 4 unpleasant people disrupt my quiet office world. Oh yes things would be great if left to my paper work and solitide. But no this is the real world and people have issues, they have them from 8:30-4:30 pm mon-fri. Oh dont get me wrong I know they exist all the time I just get to deal with them in these hours, and of course when I come in the morning there are usually 10 plus calls with people who have "issues". So I spend a good part of the day dealing with them. However having said that I do want to make it clear Im not complaing or asking people to feel bad for poor office Cherie quite the contray I realize that different jobs have different challenges. Im just finding that Im learning about these new situations and how to best handle them.

Lets take stock of my week:

I have had an angery parent tell me that I am sending her incompetent nurse and she does nto sleep at night and basically this is all my fault

I have had a nurse take my head off after I requested that attend an enservice on patient transfering- after all she has no issues with this shes perfect... right.

I have had a school teacher call and tell me that we at my office have single handedly ruined her year with our awful nursing schdule in her class. Yes ha ha! My evil plot worked after months of planning I have finally driven her over the edge! (like I have time for that!) After all we are not here for the kids we are here to make your life better right? Yeah no! Um perhaps you need to go on summer vacation school is just getting too stressful for you. (sorry to any teachers in the bunch I love you all just not the particular one that does not look at the world from any perspective then her own almighty stand point).

And my all time favorite nurse calls me three times in a day frekaing out about something and I tell her Im dealing with it, finally on the final call to me I believe my words were "Sally you need to calm down Im looking into the issue and I will get back to you" apprently when I said this I was being condesending to her- even though she was frekaing out on the phone and being a baby. However she did call my boss and tell her that she felt I was being condesending. Thankfully my boss knows what a retard this person is.

Anyway I leave you with one final bit of humour: I have been preparing a report to hand out to the nurses about some new guildelines, my version was quite dry so Barry was kind enough to write this version of my report for your enjoyment:

DATC has some new reporting guidelines. They are designed to make more work for you, the nurses out in the field, and less work for us, the managers. As you well know, we the managers are extremely busy and are often unable to field calls from you, crying and boohooing . Perhaps now your time will be spent filling out more paperwork instead of crying to me about your lives.

You should always remember you nursing motto. I care, you care, we care, congratulations you’re a nurse. Thank you.

Thanks Barry for the humor thats exactly how nurse managers think! lol

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