Monday, March 06, 2006

I think I have Cabin Fever

Well where to begin? its alot easier to blog I find when one has issues. I think I have issues. Not like serious issues but issues all the same. Today I have been grumpy moody and depressed. I ate chocolate tonight- yes I ate chocolate and lots of it! Did I mention chips to? I hardly eat like that anymore and I had alike a good break down. Im sure I will be seeing my friend the 4 pounds back this week.

I am trying to figure out whats bugging me. To start my bathroom resembles the inner circle of hell. I have a working sink I cant shower or pee in there, so Im forced to use the "boy bathroom" its gross, and cold. So that puts me in a mood off the bat. While I like my job I find it a little isolating I dont have much interaction with people and Im feeling like I miss that. I used to have so much interaction and now I dont, and the only interaction I have is generally with people who want to bitch at me. I like my co -workers and Im greatful for the job, but its just beena slow week and I am feeling bored.

Ok Im just gonna say it: Im having some baby confusion. Now all you baby freaks out there who have been saying I will be the next one and wishing fertility on me dont freak out. I just am feeling like its all around me everywhere I go its babies, my co workers are pregnate, I have friends who are prego, and even unlikely people are now talking about the potential to become parents. Now Im so confused I dont feel ready I like my freedom to a degree, but a part of me feels its like the next step. I also feel like I want to be more finically ready, and more ready with the home stuff. Ugh! Go away babies go away! I thought I would go to the mall tonight to get it off my mind- what is there babies! Babies in strollers, babies in arms. Its unavoidable, I even came on line and noted that a blogger I read about now and then has had a baby. Why is this in my head? I never gave a crap about timing, If something has turned my biological clock on I think I need to hit snooze cause this is freaking me out! Even my husband is freaking me out! Hes like well just let me know when your ready. EEK! What is that! Im sure this is all a phase Im bored and its winter blues. Nice weather is coming and then I will be back out enjoying life and Babies can again take a place in the self marked: "later".

Ok Im gonna go take an antacid, I ate too much.


Julie said...
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Julie said...

they say spring is a good time to procreate!

He he...
