Sunday, March 05, 2006

I have No bathroom

Well the home improvements continue, Barry and I have made good progress. I have finished stripping the wall paper (THANK GOD!) and Barry assisted by removing the toilet and then helping to sand the walls and fill the holes. But sadly we are out of motivation and need some additional stuff to move to the next phase- that will mean next weekend we will paint! So until then I am living in a bathroom that has only a workable sink. I have to go down to Barry's dungeon bathroom for usage of toilet and shower. I don't know if any of you know about Barry bathroom- but it is the area I refer to as the "hot zone" the center for disease control has taken swabs and we are awaiting results. Anyway I'm forced to spend a week in its use. I don't know what's worse, not showering or showering in there. I hope that I make it through the week, as I don't know if I will survive the bathroom experience. Anyway the renovations are going well no major problems yet. We are slowly increasing our handymen skills (we have a book!). Hey everyone has to start somewhere right! Stay tuned!

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