Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Im going in!

Prepare yourselves! Im gonna work on my bathroom! Thats right without anyone forcing me, holding me at gun point or threatening to take away my tv watching time. Im gonna go scrape my little heart out! Note: This is also a diet technique. I have lost 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks not alot but they say slow and steady wins the race. So by working on the bathroom it leaves way less time to snack on treats. Wish me luck more details to follow!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Flip this Bathroom!

I spent part of tonight watching some of those home improvement shows and I started to feel motivated, I started to feel powerful! If these common people can renovate then why not me? I have been in the process of redoign my bathroom, but so far all that has entaled has been taking some wall paper off- so tonight I decided to do some more work. I spent an hour on one wall and in all that time all I got done was removing the glue. Note to people: wall paper is never a good thing after 1989, and it is certainly not a good idea in a bathroom. So after an hour of scraping wiping and washing the wall I gave up. Rome was not built in a day nor will this bathroom be redone over night.

So I will try to share my joureny with this bathroom as I make advancements. My goal is to have the wall paper all scraped down by next weekend. Lets see if I can get my lazy butt to work on it! I wish I was rich I would just hire people to do my work for me. Oh well back to my scraper!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just a General Update

Well I dont have much creative to say, but I feel that I should write a blog as I have been slacking lately. Whats new that I can tell you about? hmm well Barry and I went to Brockville on the weekend and visited his nan and pop. We had a nice time very relaxing and fun.

Work is going well, although I find myself at times bored, but I have come to the realization that this bordom comes from the fact that I used to have alot more people interaction in my job and now I have alot less. I am used to alot of disscussion and I guess its just adjusting to the different environment. Also in the old office we were kinda clustered together, but now that I have my own office its quiet. Again all things I will get used to. Im feeling more independent in my job role I feel like I know what Im doing and that I can take more of lead role in some of the interactions. Sometimes I miss the old schdule work a few days off a fwe days. However its nice to have nights and weekends off. Its all a trade off but a worth while one.

Im enjoying the gym at lunch, its a nice routine, I have lost 3lbs in the last 2 weeks, its not alot but its a good start Im into more of routine which will hopefully help me make more weight loss strides. How am I feeling right now? kinda in a funk I dont know why Im just funky Im tired and I feel like blah.

Anyway I know this is possibly the worlds most boring blog entry Im sure it could win a boring blog entry. That is all I promise to get some spunk next time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Help Bring back the goatee! Your Comments count!

As you can see from this picture my hubby was sporting a nice goatee for a while. I really liked it thought it made him look older more mature. Alas he did not agree and has since shaven it off. I think that my blog readers need to speak up! Post your comments here and help me convince him to bring back the facial hair! Say yes to Facial hair today by leaving your comments! Come help me with my cause! Thank you.

My Funny Valentine

How could I resist on this hallmark holiday to post a little bit of mushy sentiment about my husband? The answer is I couldnt help myself! This is a picture of Barry my new husband. In fact we will be married a grand total of 4 months tomorrow! Thats so exciting!! Barry bought me some lovely pink roses that I have displayed on my kitchen table, Im so lucky to have such a nice guy, and not just for the obvious reasons, kindness sweetness and cute- but for all the little things. He makes me laugh, he knows the very spot Im most ticklish and never hesistates to use it when we go to battle on our couch watching our favorite shows. He makes the best chili and we have the best bedtime talks about our day. Yes Im very content life is good, I sometimes feel guilty like things are too smooth and I dont deserve to be so happy. But I am and I wont question it I will just enjoy the blessings. I love you Bareclaw!! Happy Valentines Day! This weekend we get to go to Brockville and see Barrys family I love these trips its so nice to spend time with these wonderful peole they make me feel so invited. Im looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend visiting.
My Bareclaw! How cute!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Looking Forward to Friday

Well if looking back at these shots from the past is any indication of the fun that is planned to be had on friday night then yahoo look out! I feel like I have to have a bit of fun now while I can still call myself "in my 20's". I mean 30 is literally walking towards me with a big black hook prepared to grab me and carry me kicking and screaming to middle age! I plan to go out with a bang! Anyway Im looking forward to kicking back and relaxing! Hope to see all that can make it to Tequilla Willys in the shwa on friday! Cheers!

Cherie enjoying her favorite martini yummm!

Missy and I having a toast at our bachlorette party in October!! We were of course the picture of perfect by the end of the night!! ha ha

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cuba: A tale of a drunken night

I want to share a story with you all:

Once upon a time on an island in the sea there was a girl and her husband on vacation. They spend their days on the beach and their evenings taking in the local events. One night the lovely couple decided to go out to dinner to one of the local resturants. At dinner the waiter brought some wine for the two to enjoy. However the husband said "gee I dont drink wine" so the wife being the kind and generous women did not want to put it to waste so she said "why I will drink your wine" the husband replied "but wife you have your own wine to drink" The wife with a happy glint replied "dont you worry about me I can drink them both no problem". So the couple had a nice dinner full of wine and talk and food and more wine. Finally by the end of the meal the wife noticed that perhaps she was not as steady on her feet as she had been "oh" she exclaimed "I think I may have had a glass to many". On they went back to their room with a light hearted step and lots of laughs.

The couple arrive back at the room and the wife by this time was quite shall we say "happy" So for some reason that Im sure at the time made perfect sense the wife decided to crawl inside the closet and sit down when her husband asked " why are you in the closet dear wife?" she exclaimed "cause I want to explore, Im like Dora the explora" Yes yes you can see how this makes perfect sense right?

As the night progressed the wife found herself less and less interested in sitting up talking and more intrigued by the floor below her.... and the rest they say is history.

A picture is worth a thousand words...... someone pass the tylenol.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

House Guests who eat cat litter

I have to tell you all a funny story. I love to have guests over, guests of all shapes and sizes. So last night we decided to have our dear friend Julia over and her new son Bentley. Bentley is perhaps the cutest most well behaved puppy. He is still learning and despite his parents great influence he still like all children does things once in a while that his parents don't expect.

So Bentley was a good boy the whole night watched movies with us and played with my dear Mr Columbo. We were getting tired and the room was warm, so we fell asleep. Poor Bentley with a puppy bladder had to pee, so he found a nice soft spot of carpet and went. Not a big deal puppies pee. So Julia being the good mom she is went to clean up after her boy, knowing that part of his training was to not let him see her do this clean up. So we closed the door and locked him out for a minute. In that short time Bentley discovered a hidden treat, a little something to nibble on. It might even become the latest craze in dog treats..... He discovered our cat scoobys litter box. There is Bentley rubbing and digging his face in the cat litter. We were all shocked and horrified by this action so Julia takes him and tries to wipe off his face. However Bentley appeared to be chewing on something. Much to Julia's horror when she opened his mouth there stuck to the roof of his mouth was a nice chunk of cat litter. It was quite the site of gagging and removal attempts, when Julia had done all she could and retreated the the bathroom to gag in private, Barry gagging took a turn. Finally the majority of littler retrieved from the mouth Bentley none the wiser as to the fuss over him having a late night snack. All and all Bentleys first trip to our house made him worthy of a blog entry dedicated just to him. So I say this: Bentley I'm sure the litter was tasty but perhaps you should stick to dog treats, however if you want more I have a cat whose more then happy to "supply " You with treats. Julia he's too cute you know he's welcome here anytime... We just wont offer him litter next time!!

Bentley after the litter lunch, seconds anyone?

More Cuba

Hi everyone, I know that I have not written much lately, but I wanted to share some Cuba pics with you. I tried to post a blog yesterday and my whole blog almost got lost in cyber space. I could not access anything all day long I was in total panic that I had lost my out let! Anyway I just wanted to share some pics. We had a great trip it was very relaxing and just what our honeymoon should be!! Enjoy the pics!

Barry and I on a small island, we took a boat to the island and then went snorkling... however after the guide was yelling at some of the other tourists about putting their equipment on right and constantly barking nazi like orders to Barry to put his face in the water he decided that he was out. So off to shore he went.. poor Barry no underwater adventure for him.

This is my totally hip cool husband. Isnt he cute girls? Notice the tan you would almost think hes latino! Watch out Marc Anthony!

This of course is me, I also get very dark and could give JLo a run for her money! Its like between Barry and I we are like body doubles of this famous couple! We are CherBar! Im gonna have t-shirts made!

How romantic! A true profession of love written in the sand!

Me walking on a sand bar when the tide is out. This was perhaps one of the most peaceful moments I have felt in a long time. It made me feel very centered, forgeting all the crap of life that sometimes gets in the way.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cuba Part 1: Planes and Panic Attacks

This Picture was not taken on the plane beacuse Im Obvioulsy to happy for that to be the case. So lets talk the flight to Cuba: I had spent a week or so worrying/preparing myself for the big event. I had all the necessary things: alcohol and drugs thats what it takes me to get on the plane. So as if its not bad enough to have to wait in the airport for the plane our situation was even longer. Picture it its 5:30 and we should be on the plane, but there is no crew and no plane. The airport dude announces that there is a delay with the crew and that we would be leaving soon. So I go ahead and take my perfectly timed drugs for the flight. Then a short time later the airport dude announces that we are going to be delayed due to our plane having "mechanical difficulties" Yeah thats just what the panicked flyer wants to hear! So they told us we would be getting a new crew, however the plane would be delayed for like 3 hours! Stuck for 3 hours in an airport with nothing to do but worry and hope that they find a non defective plane. Oh but for our trouble they gave us 5 dollars in airport vouchers thats about enough to get you a soda at the airports highly priced food stops. I am happy to report that I did not panic on the way down, Barry helped me keep calm, with a game of tetrus and a hand massage. The ride home was another story, but you will have to wait till a future installment of the CUBA.