Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Funny Valentine

How could I resist on this hallmark holiday to post a little bit of mushy sentiment about my husband? The answer is I couldnt help myself! This is a picture of Barry my new husband. In fact we will be married a grand total of 4 months tomorrow! Thats so exciting!! Barry bought me some lovely pink roses that I have displayed on my kitchen table, Im so lucky to have such a nice guy, and not just for the obvious reasons, kindness sweetness and cute- but for all the little things. He makes me laugh, he knows the very spot Im most ticklish and never hesistates to use it when we go to battle on our couch watching our favorite shows. He makes the best chili and we have the best bedtime talks about our day. Yes Im very content life is good, I sometimes feel guilty like things are too smooth and I dont deserve to be so happy. But I am and I wont question it I will just enjoy the blessings. I love you Bareclaw!! Happy Valentines Day! This weekend we get to go to Brockville and see Barrys family I love these trips its so nice to spend time with these wonderful peole they make me feel so invited. Im looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend visiting.
My Bareclaw! How cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was that sacrasm i detected??