Saturday, December 31, 2005

Us on Christmas Day in Brockville. We are the cutest newly weds ever!!

Barry helping Mr. Columbo open his gift!! I wonder what Santa brought??

Me and Mr Columbo what a cute pair - notice the matching Christmas wear?

Season 4 of 24 what more can a guy ask for???

Santas little helper - hes so cute!! Love the hat!

More December Pics!!

This is us at the Christmas train as it passed through Bowmanville Dont we look cute? It was kinda cold!

Theres the train it was great!

Blair witch? Is that you in there?

Barry want a big cold wet kiss? It can be arraanged!

Bye Bye train come through next year it was great fun! Loved the Hot chocolate

December Moments

Here are some pics of Us at Heathers Christmas Party!
Barry showing his best side!!
where's the Mistle toe???
The two angels (this is as close as they get!)
Heather and I and the ride home it was a good night!

King Kong and the puke

Happy New Year everyone! I'm sick! Nothing like spending your New Years eve in close proximity to the nearest bathroom "just in case". I started my plans for New years with high hopes of a nice evening of eating and movies. (lucky we did not plan anything bigger!!). Now I just feel like a raisin as there is no fluid left in my body. But allow me to explain as its a great story.

Barry and I decided to go see King Kong the Movie last night. We were having a nice time and decided to order some popcorn. I normally never get popcorn but thought it might be a nice treat. Anyway we are eating our popcorn and both of us commented on how it was cold dry and gross, thus we put it aside. So as we watch the epic tale of a big monkey and his love of a women I started to notice that my stomach felt a little sick. No big deal right? So I suck it up and sit there, but suddenly I feel like my stomach is inflating, my pants were getting tight right before my eyes. I felt like I could not sit still. So after a while of sitting there in huge discomfort I decided that maybe I should go to the bathroom. So I leave Barry and the monkey movie to go to the "little girls room". Inside I sat there feeling ill, (warning this is not pretty you may want to stop ready if your easily grossed out). So I puked a small amount, nothing gross or obscene. I felt better and congratulated myself for getting through that. I went back to watch the movie all smiles as the ordeal was over and I could now enjoy the movie and relax. Wait one minute.... I get back to my seat and I am there for a little while when I start to feel that fullness in my belly almost pain like. Then I knew I knew something was gonna happen.

So lucky for me I had met Barry after work and we had both cars so I told him to stay watch the movie and I would meet him at home. So I get out to the parking lot and I suddenly feel hot a sweaty, I quickly move to my car but as I get closer I realize that I'm not gonna make it to the car or home. I'm looking around and there are teenagers hanging out, little do the realize the scene they are about to see. I lean over a corner as much out of view as possible and I puked, I puked up a small child I'm sure, I have never in my worst hangover had such an ordeal. Just as I thought I was done I get up and move to the car, only to add a last insult I lean down to puke a huge amount again and it lands on my pants and my shoes. As I stand in the cold movie parking lot the day before the new year with puke all over my pants and shoes I ask myself is this a symbol of the year to come? I certainly hope not.

I get home and go to bed from there the story is the same a night of stomach pain and more vomit. Even my vomit fearing husband was very good and got me water and was very kind in the midst of my bathroom trips. So today I sit here typing is already taking it out of me, so much energy to type. Today I try to keep some 7up down and the new problem has developed now things are passing very quickly through the other end. I wont give you the details of that but needless to say its gonna be a very happy new year for me! I wonder if I will toast my champagne from the bathroom? I doubt that Barry is excited to kiss me at Midnight for fear he might catch this illness.

Anyway I did not get to see the end of the movie and I'm sticking to the couch. To all of you I wish you better health then I seem to have right now and a Happy New Year! May it be great for us all!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Reflection

Tonight Barry and I head to Brockville for our first Christmas together as husband and wife. Ok warning to all that read my blog Im about to get sappy and reflect here so bare with me (its only once a year!!)

Anyway I find that this time of year I feel many things I feel lucky to be alive healthy happy and safe. I feel loved by my friends family and husband. I reflect on many different christmas memories over the years and all those special moments. With this reflection comes the memory of my mom and dad. It would not be right if I did not take a minute to acknolwedge them at this speical time of year.

My parents were big christmas people, they always got carried away with the gifts and the fun. I remember when I was young I was always the first to go jump on the bed and drag them out to go open presents, then as years went on and I became a sleep loving teenager I recall every year my dad would ring his school bell that he got when he retired from his job. I would be sound asleep and he would throw open my door and ring the bell time to get out of bed time to open presents. There are so many things that I miss about them at this time of year that it would take forever to write it. I miss the way my dad gave my mom Lavender perfume every christmas and she would act surprised and put it on as if it were the finest thing she had ever recieved. I miss the way my mom made extra stuffing cause she knew we all loved it and would eat it all. I miss my dad sitting in his chair eatting roasted nuts and watching whatever hockey game was on, he never missed a Toronto Maple leafs game. I miss how we would sit in the living room just the three of us and it would take us hours to open gifts cause my mom was always so slow she wanted to savour each gift. The way my dad and I would make pancakes, or eggs and just relax and talk. The way my dad would put on his big ugly hat with the flaps and go shovel ths snow. I love the way my mom would put on her favorite christmas songs, and just sit and listen for hours. I can still here O Holy night and feel the warmth from our fireplace in our little house.

So as I reflect my heart feels a sad, I feel that choked throat feeling as I try not to cry. To think of not having them anymore. But Im gratful for all those precious memories. To anyone who has parents that annoy you and drive you crazy sometimes take a minute to hug them and savour the time with them. So as I eat more then I should and enter this new phase of life as a married person and enjoy this time with my husband I will carry with me the memories that are more precious that anything that could come in a box with a bow. I will carry the meaning that my parents instilled in me, the fact that this weekend is more then Santa and gifts, its the birth of Jesus and for those of us who believe this significant time of year reminds us of our human frailty and what it means to have God in our lives.

To all of you I wish you the happiest and most special time with those you love. Merry Christmas from my heart to yours- Cherie

What child is this, who lays to rest,On mary's lap is sleeping?Whom angels greet with anthems sweetWhile shepherds watch are keeping?This, this is christ the kingWhom shepherds guard and angels sing.Haste, haste to bring him praise,The babe, the son of mary.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas is exhausting

Tis the season Fa la la la la .. la la la! Yes the spirit is alive and well. People are preparing for the holidays gift buy, wrapping, dinners, parties, eatting, fighting the crowds. The list is endless. While I do enjoy this time of year I find myself sitting here at 8:50pm ready for bed truth be told I think I was ready for bed 2 hours after I woke up.

I think its the combination for the new job and learning so much everyday and then trying to fit massive amounts of holiday fun in every spare momment. I feel like the stay puff marshmellow man as I have not been to the gym in about 5 days and I feel that the extra 45 min of sleep it so much more worth it then the tread mill. Im already thinking about my new years resolutions, but of course thats a whole other blog!!

Im looking forward for the first time in 4 years to having christmas off, I feel like its gonna be great, my first Christmas married to my wonderful husband and my first year in so long where I have all the time in the world to enjoy the holidays. Im so excited. I watched this sad episode of Dr Phil about this family were the dad is really sick and all the problems they are having supporting themselves and raising their children. Anyway it just made me look at things and see how lucky I am I have so much.

Well for me writing this blog is so exhausting Im gonna go relax. Night all!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Winter is a bitch in high heels

Well I hope that everyone is enjoying this nice gentle snow fall as much as I am. Im all for a few flakes to give the feeling Christmas and all that, but I think mother nature might have gone a little over boad.

Last night it took me an hour and a half to get to the mall from my work place in Ajax. I was like Oh my God Im never gonna get there. But the mission to get to the mall was well worth it! I booked my trip!! Yupee Barry and I are going to Cuba!!! Im excited to go the one thing that sucks is we kinda sat on the vacation that we really wanted and in just 24 hours it was gone. Plus we basically had 2 choices for the dates we wanted to go: we could go to Los Cobos and not be able to swim in the Ocean due to the under toe, or we could pay 900 bucks more then we planned and go to this smaller resort in Cuba. Well me not being a big fan of drowning we decided to suck it up and pay the extra money. Anyway its all booked and we are excited, next time when I want to go away I will not wait to book my trip I will go with my first instinct and book it when I feel the deals are best.

So the last event to exhaust me further was having my car pushed up a hill by my husband and neighbour due to the awful snow! Yup as my tires spun and the car swirved the guys heaved ho to get my car up the hill. Not a fan of winter am I!! Anyway better go shovel my car off! Its begining to look like Christmas!- with an attitude!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Just a Quickie

Hi all

Im just getting ready for work so Im doing a quickie update. Everything is good, Im enjoying my job and married life. I know thats kinda boring does not leave much room for good stories.. but cheer up im going to the nurses Christmas party today and from what I have heard at the office there are so real winners working for us. Yes they have the ability to call with every imaginable excuse as to why the cant work from I dont want to drive my rental car all the way to bowmanville (from Oshawa) to I cant make it to work on time cause Im dying my hair. Yes I sense some stories coming down the pipe. The nice thing about my life is that I dont usually have to try hard for the stories they just magically come to me its like they find me- wow Im so lucky! Anyway Best go get ready for another day! cheers everyone.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Cheer with friends

Im writing todays blog in red for a little bit of holiday cheer. Anyway this will not be a long blog as Im preparing for a Christmas party. However I wanted to take a minute to reflect on my friends. I have great friends, they have been there through it all, and now that alot of them are married our group has grown with so many fun personalities.

Last night Barry and I went over to our friends Julia and Barts place for a Christmas dinner. We were joined by many good friends and had a great time, we ate talked and laughed. It was nice to take a step back and appreciate what we have and just enjoy a true moment of Christmas that had nothing to do with gifts or running around. Just good friends enjoying time together. By the way Julia if your reading this dinner was fabulous!! Thanks for having us! Anyway I know Im getting all sappy here but I really had a nice time and I really love my friends.

In this day and age when we all have so much and can be thankful for so many things I feel blessed. So as I go prepare for another holiday party I will borrow a phrase that I heard recently that I think describes perfectly what I want for all of you this year: I wish everyone enough this season. Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What a Change

Im so excited this year its the first time in 4 years that I dont have to chose between holidays, family, who I will spend my weekends with etc. Its all mine and Im enjoying every minute of it. I have lots of dinners and parties planned this month and its great. I am really getting into the monday- friday routine. Its nice i get up go to the gym shower go to work come home relax go to bed and do it again. Then I get every weekend to be with my husband and friends. My body feels better I sleep better at night and generally just have a better outlook on the world. I think the nights must have been screwing with me something awful cause now I feel like wow Im normal like what was wrong with me before? I feel like I just woke up from a slumber that was 4 years long.

I hope that I never have to go back to shift work ever again. I really like my job I feel challenged and excited to try new things, Im making friends quickly. I suppose the only thing I miss is the babies (notice I did not say pp moms lol- dont miss there craziness narotic bahaviour at all!!) I also miss the Docs and nurses. I mean people that you have had a 4 year relationship with its gonna be hard to not miss them. But I know Im in a better place for myself. Im looking at taking a painting class at night and exploring my interest, I have become quite the baker in the last few weeks, trying new recipes and sharing with friends and neighbours (keeps me from eatting it all lol).

Anyway its time for the gym so Im off to start another wonderful day in which Im part of the regular world and loving it!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Is it ever good to get the "new" wax girl?

So its friday and I say to myself its been a long week and I am gonna treat myself to a little pampering. So I head off to the mail to battle the masses and do some christmas shopping. While Im there Im gonna get my eye brows waxed.

So I head to my normal place TRADE SECRETS (theres no secret that I would not pretect their rep on my blog!) Stand at the counter while four girls stand there talking and looking at their nails. I wait patiently till finally one looks at me as though bothered by my presence "can I help you" So I say I want to get my eye brows waxed. So the girl looks around and says come back in 15 min. Ok Im fine with that, but Ilook back to the wax chair and there is no one there but all the waxer are chatting. So I leave and come back 15 min later only to wait another 10 min.

So I sit in the chair awating the familiar face of the wax girl with the dark hair that is always at the chair... but no its a new face, she head for me with a smile on her face. Something in her smile says not hello and friendly holiday cheer but it says Im excited to rip your hair off as I have not really done alot of these. So I sit there while she fiddles around looking for things and trying to organize her self. I watch her pick up a wax stick and drop it into the wax saying "opps" this is the point that I start to think Im in trouble here. So I figure I will give her a chance she comes at me with the wax puts some on and then rather the the efficency Im used to of reaching for the cloth strip and ripping the hair out she stands there and just looks at my eye brow, looks some more. Then goes back and gets more wax and put more on top of the drying wax. Finally she goes to rip it off, it was the most painful wax ever as she just basically ripped it off slowly. I wanted to cry in pain. God must have been on my side as my eye brows remain intact. However heres on last thought for you as I go pay the girl and leave the store I here my little wax friend say "that was not bad" "can I try piercing next" ... yes so next time you go to your favorite wax place ask yourself do you want the new girl? EEK I think not!