Saturday, December 31, 2005

King Kong and the puke

Happy New Year everyone! I'm sick! Nothing like spending your New Years eve in close proximity to the nearest bathroom "just in case". I started my plans for New years with high hopes of a nice evening of eating and movies. (lucky we did not plan anything bigger!!). Now I just feel like a raisin as there is no fluid left in my body. But allow me to explain as its a great story.

Barry and I decided to go see King Kong the Movie last night. We were having a nice time and decided to order some popcorn. I normally never get popcorn but thought it might be a nice treat. Anyway we are eating our popcorn and both of us commented on how it was cold dry and gross, thus we put it aside. So as we watch the epic tale of a big monkey and his love of a women I started to notice that my stomach felt a little sick. No big deal right? So I suck it up and sit there, but suddenly I feel like my stomach is inflating, my pants were getting tight right before my eyes. I felt like I could not sit still. So after a while of sitting there in huge discomfort I decided that maybe I should go to the bathroom. So I leave Barry and the monkey movie to go to the "little girls room". Inside I sat there feeling ill, (warning this is not pretty you may want to stop ready if your easily grossed out). So I puked a small amount, nothing gross or obscene. I felt better and congratulated myself for getting through that. I went back to watch the movie all smiles as the ordeal was over and I could now enjoy the movie and relax. Wait one minute.... I get back to my seat and I am there for a little while when I start to feel that fullness in my belly almost pain like. Then I knew I knew something was gonna happen.

So lucky for me I had met Barry after work and we had both cars so I told him to stay watch the movie and I would meet him at home. So I get out to the parking lot and I suddenly feel hot a sweaty, I quickly move to my car but as I get closer I realize that I'm not gonna make it to the car or home. I'm looking around and there are teenagers hanging out, little do the realize the scene they are about to see. I lean over a corner as much out of view as possible and I puked, I puked up a small child I'm sure, I have never in my worst hangover had such an ordeal. Just as I thought I was done I get up and move to the car, only to add a last insult I lean down to puke a huge amount again and it lands on my pants and my shoes. As I stand in the cold movie parking lot the day before the new year with puke all over my pants and shoes I ask myself is this a symbol of the year to come? I certainly hope not.

I get home and go to bed from there the story is the same a night of stomach pain and more vomit. Even my vomit fearing husband was very good and got me water and was very kind in the midst of my bathroom trips. So today I sit here typing is already taking it out of me, so much energy to type. Today I try to keep some 7up down and the new problem has developed now things are passing very quickly through the other end. I wont give you the details of that but needless to say its gonna be a very happy new year for me! I wonder if I will toast my champagne from the bathroom? I doubt that Barry is excited to kiss me at Midnight for fear he might catch this illness.

Anyway I did not get to see the end of the movie and I'm sticking to the couch. To all of you I wish you better health then I seem to have right now and a Happy New Year! May it be great for us all!!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

umm prego???? ;o)