Sunday, November 06, 2005

Thoughts From the Uterus

So its amazing how such a simple uncomplicated moment can turn into such a state of mayhem. I just got off my shift at the hospital and I think Im still on an aderenaline rush. I was minding my own business at 6:30am just biding my time for the last hour to pass so I could go home and sleep. Then the next thing you know one of the nurses is running around the corner yelling set the OR theres a 10cm breech!!

So Im in the OR setting and they are bringing this women in. There is usually 2 doctors to do the surgery but because we were in a bit of an emergency there was just one and me. So there i am hands in it in the womens gut. See its hard to be on the verge of this change Im making and in moments of excitment I think Im a labour and delivery nurse how can I leave this? I was holding her uterus in my hands while it was being stiched up, how many people can say that they have ever had that experience? I had to push her intestines back in and hold clamps and sutures as the Dr stitched her up. Its an amazing feeling to have the human body in all is complexity so close to you that your litterly inside and can see what makes them tick. I said to my favorite Dr we will call him Dr H I said see this is what makes it hard to leave momments like this. And he looked at me and said yes but its all the daily grind you go through for this, its not worth it... hes like dont look back just look forward. So as I nodded and helped him slip the uterus back inside its home to be safe and protected in the pt. I realized that while I do love my skills I perhaps need to love my health and sanity more- as I could feel the nausea and stress and sweat of the situation settling over me for the drive home. Anyway one of my many moments of ponder Im sure. Who knew a uterus could say so much? who knew.

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