Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tis the Season....

For what feels like everything to go wrong that is. (warning: this blog will not be very positive or upbeat read at your discreation).

So as the story continues Im still at home resting, now I have a runny nose, sore throat and a headache as well as high blood pressure. So being pregnant theres not alot of options for medications to take. The one thing that you can take is Tylenol and I dont have any. You may ask why dont you just go get some from the store? I would except that Barrys car broke down today and its in getting some expensive repairs done to it. So Im sick, carless, I cant get anything done for Christmas and now we have car repairs to pay for. Yes its the most wonderful time of the year... or not quite right now.

Anyway I dont have much else to say I think I will go back to bed and hide from the world. Perhaps some sleep will help me remember all the good things that we have to be thankful for.

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