Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Birthday (officially) to My Barry

A big warm fuzzy Happy birthday goes out to the best husband in the world- Barry!! I know that its hard to have your birthday overshadowed by that "other" holiday this time of year. However no matter today is your day and I hope its a great one! I do believe that there are some birthday presents for you to open and a nice dinner out awaiting you after work today. Have a great day love you honey!!!

Think of it this way you have two things going for you this year: your only 28 which means you still have 2 years ahead before you have to face the 3-0, and at least your birthday is not in January in the dead of winter. I never know what to ask for my birthday cause I just got all my christmas presents. Anyway at least our baby will have it easy - theres not much to compete with in April!!

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