Saturday, December 09, 2006

Good morning Baby

Im finding that a very werid thing is happening to me ... I think Im slowly starting to feel maternal. Now dont get me wrong its not that Im not maternal but I just have not really felt that bond part that people always talk about. So then today I was awake around 6am (for my usual pee break) I got back into bed and I was lying there waiting to see if the baby would move. At this stage it moves sort of here and there not consistently. Anyway I was dissappointed when there was nothing so I went back to sleep.

Im sitting here at the computer having a bowl of cereal and then I felt this little kick, then another and I said out loud - oh your awake good morning. Then it kind of struck me that none else is here and Im having a conversation with my stomach. I realized that I have started to identify with my little bean that is really more the size of a squarel then a bean now. Its werid I feel happy when the baby kicks. Barry was so sweet, last night his cousin (I think its cousin) had a baby in the last week or so and she has been sending us pictures So Barry and I were looking at the latest ones and he turns to me and says looking at these pictures Im excited. It was so sweet hes also starting to really see that the reality is coming. Anyway I thought it deserved a blog to mention that the Bates family is really starting to gear up for the newest member.

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