Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My babies!!

I just thought I would share a rare photo of my babies! It is not very often that they actually sit still let alone sit side by side! Mr. Columbo and Scooby tend to have a love /hate relationship! Yet here it is almost believeable that they are friends. A true Kodak moment... sorry Barry I mean a true "blacks" moment!

On another note Im very excited we are on vacation in 2 more days!! Yupee! The itinery for the week is gonna be great we are going to my brother's cottage for the first half of the week to hang out with them and catch some rays. Then the second half of the week we will head to Brockville for Barrys Grandparents 45th wedding anniversary. It should be a great time really nice to have a week off and spend it with family who love and care about us I cant wait!!! We will have many photos when we come back to share. Oh dont forget to stay tuned for the fall updates the vegas trip is in the works and we are hopeful that a certain Brockville couple will decide to join us!!!

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