Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Negative Nelly go away!

I have a problem today, my friend negative Nelly has been sitting on my head all day. It does not seem to matter what I do I cant shake her. I am feeling very frustrated about a number of things right now. None of which I can do anything about, I have no choice and no hope anything changing so I just feel a sense of powerlessness. Thus I have been dealing with Negative Nelly on my head reminding me of all the bad things that I dont like right now.

There are people that I want to vaporize that would make my days much less stressful and fun, there are people that I would like to stand up to but cant cause as much as I dont like what they say they are technically right and I have no choice but to do as they say.

There are situations that I try not to dwell on and I try to see the positive in but when Im frustrated with things around me they surface to remind me that they are still persisting. I dont have an answer and I really should be thankful for what I have but for today I am negative Nelly and I just will hope for a better day.

On a postive note here are things I am happy about:

I love my husband who treats me like a queen
I love my house that is just big enough for myself Barry and 2 crazy pets
I am healthy and balanced
I have a good stable job that has the hours and life balance that I like
I have dreams and plans for the future that Im excited to pursue
I have family and friends who care about me and that I love
And when all else fails I have chocolate!!!! There is always chocolate!!

I seem to be worrying lately about things that have not yet happened, I dont know why I do this to myself but I keep playing the what if game, I need to just relax and let things happen instead of worrying about nothing. Anyway Im gonna stay positive and look forward to the good stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go with the positivity! You don't make progress just being negative, so I love that you listed all your blessings! You're so cute!