Sunday, April 23, 2006

Some pictures just for fun

Well my inspiration for blog writting has not been great this weekend, so instead I have decided to give you all a little taste of what barry and I have been up to lately....

Here is my wonderful husband doing his best impression of a pirate... if he had a mullet he could be an Oshawa pirate! Perhaps something to strive for!

Here is my sweet sweet boy, he was so tired the night of Barrys Bye Bye Blacks party (he had too much beer) that he need to "sleep it off"

This past weekend we had a cute house guest stay overnight, Bently Lucyk! he was a great house guest (often more obedient then those who live in the house!) He had lots of fun with his friends scooby O Mally and Mr Columbo... who ran in fear! Here is a shot of the "boys" just hanging out!

Its all part of our master plan.. first visit a play hamburger the next one will be from Wendys! Columbo will show him how to order.

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