Saturday, April 29, 2006

Our First Bike Ride

Its saturday afternoon and Barry and I just got back from our first bike ride. In case people had not heard Barry and I bought some new bikes in hopes to increase our fitness level and just have some fun. I had some high ambitions. I thought that we could do 60min no problem.. well I hate to admitt that i may have been wrong about that.. we did a respectable 36 min but it was hard work! Especially coming up Elephant hill Dr! It was fun and the weather was great but we were tired at the end! I guess we will have to work our fitness up to that 60 min I was hoping for. All and all not a bad start to the bike, except my bum hurts from the seat....


Anonymous said...

Get your tolerance up,we're going for my usual 3 hour ride next weekend! (ha)

Anonymous said...

ah yes - bicycle butt. everyone has to live through it for the first couple rides of the year.

It's good to see you out and enjoying it though,
