Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bye Bye Blacks, Barry and Beth

Tonight is the BBBBB Party (see title for meaning). Barry my love has finally quit his job at Blacks! After 8 years of toil he is finally done. No more double shifts of working all day at Minacs and then working in the evenings at Blacks. Its time had come. So to celebrate I am having 20 or so crazy blacks employees over to my house for a night of BBQ, fun and whatever else that can happen! I have gone to the store and invested in a bottle of my fav Jacobs Creek... "hello Jacob". I am sure myself and Jacob can find a way to entertain our selves tonight.

So while I must say goodbye to a life of discounted developing and frame and join the world of those who pay the ridiculously expensive prices of Blacks (I can finally say that now! hee hee). I will however have a good trade off in the form of spending more evenings with my wonderful husband. Perhaps we can now go to walmart to develop pictures (gasp!) No i doubt that barry would ever let me do that, once I bought a frame from somewhere other then blacks and well lets just say it wasnt pretty!!!

Stay tuned for more details and perhaps even a picture or too!!!

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