Sunday, March 12, 2006

Deep Thoughts and all the crap in my brain

Well it has been a while since I have written but I think that the weather this weekend has made me do some thinking. Barry and I have been talking quite a bit in the last while about babies and family and just evaluating what matters to us.

Of course it has always been the plan to have kids but I think now we are ready to put a plan in action. I know I know not everything is plannable nor is it always go according to plan. But there are things to think about. For myself to have a child (not really soon so dont get too worked up people) but for us to start to plan there are some things that we need to do to be ready:

1. Physical readiness: I have been slacking on my diet and not really pushing my exercise. So my goal is I want to lose 40 pounds by the fall, I want to be in good physical shape before I try to have kids. So that means healthy eatting and more exercise- I know I wont be perfect and i know that there may be a bowl of ice cream somewhere in there so Im realistic. So start I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of May. I think thats a modest doable goal. I also want to start taking vitamins and just looking after myself and helping Barry to focus on his own health. We want to be good role models for our kids. We are gonna get some bikes and try and get out more this spring and summer

2. Home Readiness: We are gonna finish the bathroom we started and try and work on making our kitchen a little nicer, and giving our home some outdoor care. The end of that goal involes transforming Barrys office into a furture bedroom, so that means saving money for a new window.

3. Finacial readiness: we are trying to get some bank stuff sorted out to help us save more for the future and tidy up our spending so that we are more prepared to live within a smaller budget (kids cost money). Also save money for the extras like the new window we need.

4. Emotional readiness- this is a big one! I dont know how to put it into words (this is a whole other blog really!) but we need to just talk and research and just get more comfortable with the process.

Anyway this is just a start, stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Oh Cherchat - I do believe "acceptance" is one of the famous ten steps of everything. You are progressing!

Anonymous said...

Dear, you have to get past all the self-centered issues you have in your life and realize that you will no longer be the center of attention. Babies wants come first, not yours. Posting pics of yourself passed out shows you have "me" issues to deal with!
That should be another goal to work on.

Anonymous said...

How cowardly to leave a comment like that anonymously. No question where that came from! Pathetic.