Wednesday, March 15, 2006

5 months...

Hi Everyone,

Well today is my 5 month wedding anniversary. I don't know if you really celebrate that sort of thing but its a nice little land mark for us. We have been having a lot of fun as a married couple, planning our summer mini trips, attempting to struggle through home renovation: by the way my list and plan to work on the bathroom has not yet happened. I just find Im so tired by the time I get home from work that I don't want to do anything. So I have to go hard core on Friday and get that bathroom ready to paint. My goal is to have this bathroom done by Easter, Lets hope that we can do it!!!

Barry is great, Im learning more and more about him as time goes on. He always suprises me like tonight he had tidied the kitchen- which was a big help to me. Its great we are definitely in a good place. Talking about having kids has just been a natural progression, we just have become more comfortable talking about it. That's not to say that we are gone rush into anything just that we are getting more comfortable with the thought of it. I think that's the first step. I still have stuff I want to do. I guess there is not magical formula for readiness.. I kinda just hope we know when we are ready.

Anyway Im off to watch some TV and get ready for bed! Happy 5 months to Barry and I!! only 7 more till our one year.. then what will I call my blog I wont be a newlywed anymore!! who knows! night everyone.

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