Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just a General Update

Well I dont have much creative to say, but I feel that I should write a blog as I have been slacking lately. Whats new that I can tell you about? hmm well Barry and I went to Brockville on the weekend and visited his nan and pop. We had a nice time very relaxing and fun.

Work is going well, although I find myself at times bored, but I have come to the realization that this bordom comes from the fact that I used to have alot more people interaction in my job and now I have alot less. I am used to alot of disscussion and I guess its just adjusting to the different environment. Also in the old office we were kinda clustered together, but now that I have my own office its quiet. Again all things I will get used to. Im feeling more independent in my job role I feel like I know what Im doing and that I can take more of lead role in some of the interactions. Sometimes I miss the old schdule work a few days off a fwe days. However its nice to have nights and weekends off. Its all a trade off but a worth while one.

Im enjoying the gym at lunch, its a nice routine, I have lost 3lbs in the last 2 weeks, its not alot but its a good start Im into more of routine which will hopefully help me make more weight loss strides. How am I feeling right now? kinda in a funk I dont know why Im just funky Im tired and I feel like blah.

Anyway I know this is possibly the worlds most boring blog entry Im sure it could win a boring blog entry. That is all I promise to get some spunk next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cherie ... how about an update on the gym shower post? How's it going with your co-worker being there with you?