Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Dear New Gym Members:

Everyone knows that the only reason you are now at the gym in your new shiny white runners, with your brand new ipods and water is because you "decided" for the New year to get in shape. While I would like to say good for you lets be honest your attempts will fail and in a month or so you will be back on the couch at home. So this is what I propose: quit now, save all of us who have been going to the gym the trouble of waiting for your tread mill. We who have been at the gym for a long time hate the way you walk around with your buddies (also on your New year band wagon) like you own the gym. You chat with the trainers and pretend like you have all this fitness stuff wrapped up. Meanwhile you have done nothing to prove that you have gym staying power. Come talk to me in Aug when I'm sweating my butt off in a core stregth class with the A/C busted then I will take you seriously. I find it frustrating to come from work ready to get a quick power work out in before heading home and I find that the only piece of equipment left is a broken bike (and I hate the bike by the way). You hog the mirror in the change room and take all the good lockers. I try and greet my teeth and be friendly but secretly I hope you trip in your new shoes so that I can have your cross training machine. This is my solution if you want to join a gym you should be interviewed by regular members so that we can determine your loyalty factor and there should be no new memberships allowed in January.

That is all I have to say, so go run today for tomorrow you will be sitting on your couch eating a twinkie and I will be back in peaceful bliss on at my gym.


Cherie Bates

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