Saturday, November 26, 2005

Im Old

How do you know when your old? I will enlighten you- listen carefully all you younger souls who think it wont happen to you cause it will! you know your old when on a friday night you go to hang out with a good friend and you BOTH fall asleep watchng the movie you have rented. You know your old when you are exhausted at 1115 and have to get home to bed. Lastly you really know your old when you get home to your new husband not for a night of newlywed fun but to find your hubby fast asleep in bed snoring away! Yup thats it folks thats how you know your getting old. Cant escape it! Im old and im tired to boot. Im so old that I have to end this blogg so I can get to bed!! At this rate ill be in bed at noon by the time Im 35! But that of course is a whole other blog!

Oh last way I know Im old plans for New Years: Nope thinking about staying home- probably falling asleep on a coach as Dick drops the ball and instead of kissing Barry I nudge him cause hes taking up to much space on the coach while we both sleep! LOL! ANyway I better stop I think Im starting to really feel my age! Off to bed!

1 comment:

Newlyweds Blog said...

Whats going on Newlywed - no post in a while!!!!