Monday, October 31, 2005

Its 8:36 am and I am tired. Too tired to be writing this blog but I figure seeing as Im sitting here and have neither the will or want to get up I might as well type. So heres the issue for today: I have this job interview for this nice cushy desk job monday to friday 8-4 weekends off. If I got this job it would signal the end of my shift work and the start of a life with no weekends holidays or nights. Sounds good right? yeah well the problem is I booked the interview before my wedding and in all the mad planning I have some how misplaced the piece of paper that tells me what time my interview is. Does anyone out there think its a bad thing that I dont know when Im supposed to be at this interview? Yeah Im thinking its not gonna impress the pants off them.

So I tried to call last Thursday and find out the time however the girl that is doing the interview is out of the office till this morning. I dont even know what time she gets in. So I sit here waiting for the office to open and find out what time Im to be there. Its a slightly embaressing situation and frankly I would rather be sleeping- although I have been awake since 630 as my work place decided to call and wake us up seeing if I would like to work any part of a day shift. Heres a hint: if I wanted to work I would have put my name on the daily availablity sheet! Hence its purpose to see who wants to work and to avoid the calling and waking of poor tired people who dont want to answer there phones at 6am.

The other part of todays problem is that I have to start back at the gym. You might think that perhaps my mind has the will and the body not so much? well what does one do when neither the mind nor the body want to go? Sorry I had to stop writing as my husband just tried to attack me with his hair wax covered hands as I was making fun of him for his collections. He collects things but he does not like to take them out of the package that way it increases the value. So I was making fun of him and this prompted the attack. Anyway he has retreated so what was I saying.. oh yes the gym I dont want to go I hate the gym, all the healthy people working out, the trainers urging you to work harder eek! Its a bit overwhelming. Perhaps I will just go for 30 min ease my way back in. Yes thats how I will handle this issue 30 min I can do anything for 30 min an hour just sounds too awful for words this morning. Ok Im gonna call the place Im going for an interview and see if I can get the time thing worked out! Wish me luck!

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