4 days and 14 interviews later to try and hire a nurse to work night shifts. First of all I would just like to say that my eyes have been opened to the world of bad interviewing skills thanks to the 14 indivduals that I met this week. Second I would like to know if there has been a change to the nursing curriculum since I was in school, have they stopped telling new grads that there is such a thing as a night shift? Do you want to know how many people out of my 14 wanted to work nights... Ill let you have one guess and I will give you a big hint its less then 1.
I think I get it now people think that health care occurs between 8-4pm monday to friday. People dont get sick at night, on weekends or holidays. I can see the headlines for recruiting nursing students to programs: come be a nurse and you will never have to work nights or weekends cause people are only sick during office hours. (note we are of course talking about a fictional planet that has yet to be discovered).
I know how crappy nights are I did them for 5 years (some of that time willingly some not so much). Anyway the point Im making is I was a new grad and you pay your dues put your time in on the nights then you get to move up or have better shifts as time goes on. You dont however get to be a gum popping 12 year old looking nurse who sits accross the table from me having this converstation:
Cherie: So I see here that you just graduated
Gum popper: Yup Im gonna write my exam in a couple weeks (pop)
Cherie: So have you ever done any placements in school with peds?
Gum Popper: No I was in geriatrics, but thats like similar right?
Cherie: Well if you feel that a 6 year old and a 90 year old have alot in common.....
Gum Popper: So like Im looking for steady days full time do you have that?
Cherie: well its been great meeting you good luck with your job hunt...... (curtain comes down house lights dim end of scene).
Yes this folks is a small example of my week. So I say this to the public: fear your health care future for you will never be able to be sick at night or on a weekend as there will be noone to take care of you. I imagine we will start to see self care center, like the self check out at the grocery store or the bank machine. There will just be a machine next to your bed where you will enter a code and ask the machine to give you your medications..... good luck with that robotic arm giving you a bed bath.... ouch!